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我们提供WhatsApp炒群机器人工具和服务,We provide Whatsapp group marketing bot software & service!

什么是中国出海营销人员口中的 WhatsApp 炒群机器人?

通常指的是一种自动化工具: (26)我们提供WhatsApp炒群工具和服务,We provide WhatsApp group hype marketing software & service,通过批量操作 WhatsApp 群组来进行营销推广。这些机器人通常被用于以下目的:

  1. 强拉群和自动入群:自动将陌生人批量强制加入自建的目标 WhatsApp 群组。

  2. 批量发送消息:在多个群或者私聊中自动发送营销内容。

  3. 群组管理:例如定时发送消息,监控用户互动,自动回复等。

  4. 批量添加联系人:通过群组或电话号码列表,批量添加联系人。

这些工具的主要技术目的是通过自动化的方式扩大营销覆盖面(通常称为“炒群”),让营销人员能够在多个 WhatsApp 群组中同时推广产品或服务。为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入的了解我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|的机器人,接下来提供技术路径供参考:


实现一个 WhatsApp 群组炒作机器人通常需要以下几步:

  1. 模拟登录或使用 WhatsApp Web API

  2. 消息群发

    • 执行逻辑包括批量发送消息到指定的群组或联系人列表。

    • 需要处理 WhatsApp 的反垃圾保护,避免被检测为滥用行为。

  3. 自动化操作

  4. IP 和防封策略

示例代码:使用 Baileys 或 Puppeteer 做简单的炒群机器人

下面的代码使用了 Baileys,这是一个非官方的 WhatsApp Web API 库。通过它,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|可以对 WhatsApp Web 进行自动化操作,比如向WhatsApp群组发送消息。


首先,你需要安装 Node.js 和 Baileys 依赖库:

npm install @adiwajshing/baileys

示例代码:使用 Baileys 向群组发送消息



  1. Baileys 库:此代码使用 Baileys 库,它是一种非官方的 WhatsApp Web API。通过扫码登录后,机器人可以与 WhatsApp 账户进行交互。

  2. 保存身份认证信息useMultiFileAuthState 会将登录后的身份认证信息保存到 auth_info 文件夹中,以避免每次运行时都需要重新扫码登录。

  3. 发送消息:该代码展示了如何向某个 WhatsApp 群组发送一条文本消息。


  1. WhatsApp 反垃圾机制

  2. 风控问题

炒群机器人是一种通过自动化工具进行 WhatsApp 群组营销的手段,通常涉及到批量操作 WhatsApp 群组、发送消息和管理联系人等流程。虽然技术上可行,但从风控的角度来看,必须谨慎使用,并找到靠谱的炒群工具或者服务,避免大规模封号死群。通过使用我们的工具和服务,才以实现批量的自动化操作。但在使用过程中,需要注意控制操作频率,避免账号被标记。同时,建议根据具体的营销需求和目标市场,设计合理的炒群策略。

What Is a WhatsApp Group Marketing Bot for Chinese Overseas Marketers?

WhatsApp Group Marketing Bot for Chinese overseas marketers typically refers to an automation tool designed to promote products or services in bulk by engaging with multiple WhatsApp groups. Some common functionalities of these bots include:

  1. Auto-joining groups: Automatically joining target WhatsApp groups.

  2. Bulk messaging: Automatically sending promotional messages to multiple groups or contacts.

  3. Group management: Tasks like scheduled messaging, monitoring user interactions, and auto-replying based on specific keywords.

  4. Bulk adding contacts: Adding contacts in bulk from groups or contact lists.

The primary goal of these tools is to scale marketing efforts by automating interactions in multiple WhatsApp groups, often referred to as “炒群” (chǎo qún, meaning "stirring up groups"), allowing marketers to promote their products or services to a wider audience simultaneously.

Technical Path

To create a WhatsApp group marketing bot, several steps are required:

  1. Simulate login or use WhatsApp Web API:

    • Use WhatsApp Web to simulate the user login process, scan a QR code, and log in.

    • Some automation tools use Selenium or Puppeteer to simulate browser operations.

    • Alternatively, you can use unofficial WhatsApp Web APIs (like Baileys or Venom Bot) to programmatically interact with WhatsApp.

  2. Mass messaging:

    • Implement logic to send messages to multiple groups or contact lists in bulk.

    • Handle WhatsApp's anti-spam mechanisms to avoid getting flagged for abusive behavior.

  3. Automated operations:

    • Automate the process of joining groups, sending promotional content, or scheduled marketing messages.

    • Monitor group chats to automatically reply to specific keywords, e.g., answering questions about your product.

  4. IP and anti-ban strategies:

    • WhatsApp has strict anti-abuse measures in place to prevent frequent automated actions, and accounts can get banned if detected.

    • You may need to use proxy servers or rotate accounts to reduce the risk of bans.

Example Code: Using Baileys or Puppeteer for a Simple Group Marketing Bot

Below is an example of how you could use Baileys, an unofficial WhatsApp Web API, to automate sending messages to WhatsApp groups.

Install Dependencies

First, you need to install Node.js and the Baileys library:

npm install @adiwajshing/baileys

Example Code: Using Baileys to Send Messages to Groups

const { default: makeWASocket, useMultiFileAuthState } = require('@adiwajshing/baileys');async function startWhatsAppBot() {    const { state, saveCreds } = await useMultiFileAuthState('auth_info'); // Save session info to avoid frequent logins    const sock = makeWASocket({        auth: state,        printQRInTerminal: true // QR code will appear in the terminal for scanning and logging in    });    // Wait for a successful connection    sock.ev.on('connection.update', (update) => {        const { connection, lastDisconnect } = update;        if (connection === 'close') {            console.log('Connection closed due to:', lastDisconnect.error);        } else if (connection === 'open') {            console.log('Connected to WhatsApp');        }
    });    // Listen for QR code generation    sock.ev.on('creds.update', saveCreds);    // Group ID must be the full WhatsApp Group JID (e.g., [email protected])    const groupJid = '[email protected]';    // Send message to the target group    const sendMessageToGroup = async (groupJid, message) => {        await sock.sendMessage(groupJid, { text: message });        console.log(`Message sent to group: ${groupJid}`);    };    // Example: send a test message to the group    await sendMessageToGroup(groupJid, 'Hello, this is a test message from the bot!');}startWhatsAppBot().catch((err) => console.error(err));

Code Explanation

  1. Baileys Library: This code uses the Baileys library, which is an unofficial WhatsApp Web API. After scanning the QR code, the bot can interact with your WhatsApp account.

  2. Saving Authentication Info: The useMultiFileAuthState function saves the login credentials in the auth_info folder, so you don't need to scan the QR code each time you run the bot.

  3. Sending Messages: This example demonstrates how to send a text message to a specific WhatsApp group.

Limitations and Considerations When Using Automation Tools

  1. WhatsApp Anti-Spam Mechanism:

    • Limit the number of messages sent per day.

    • Use multiple accounts and rotate them.

    • Use proxy servers to avoid making too many requests from the same IP address.

    • Frequent automated actions (such as sending mass messages or joining too many groups) may trigger WhatsApp's anti-abuse mechanism, leading to account bans.

    • To reduce the risk of account bans, it’s recommended to:

  2. Legal and Ethical Issues:

    • In some countries or regions, sending bulk messages without user consent may violate local laws (e.g., anti-spam regulations).

    • While bots can enhance marketing efficiency, overusing them can negatively impact the platform ecosystem and lead to customer dissatisfaction.

A WhatsApp group marketing bot is a tool that automates WhatsApp group interactions for marketing purposes, typically involving bulk operations like joining groups, sending messages, and managing contacts. Technically, this can be achieved using our tools to interact with WhatsApp Web, but it is crucial to control the frequency of operations to avoid getting banned. (1)我们提供送达率最高的WhatsApp超链按钮群发服务,可代发、也可提供用户后台自发,不限内容日发百万、诚信服务绝无扣量!

Using our service, you can automate sending messages, but remember to carefully manage messaging limits and account rotations to avoid being flagged by WhatsApp’s anti-spam system. It’s important to comply with platform rules, legal regulations, and ethical guidelines while designing your marketing strategy for WhatsApp groups.

如何联系此群发“不受限”WhatsApp服务商:如需群发推广业务,可加此WhatsApp代发服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/LeaGreta (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, includingCHINA!

标签: WhatsApp工具

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