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很多出海团队在找到WhatsApp群发服务后,并不知道如何评估这些服务商的实际发送效果。而通过我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|的WS群发服务:真机+实体号矩阵WhatsApp群发服务日发DM消息500万条!在发送完成后,都会提供包括每个收件人号码的发送状态的完整报告,让你明了:

  • 总共发送了多少条WhatsApp DM私信;

  • 有哪些手机号码不是Ws造成Non-Whatsapp发送不成功;

  • 有哪些WhatsApp账号因为设置了privacy保护造成Rejected拒收导致发送不成功

  • 有哪些号码因为“料子”未经过精筛导致发送errors发送错误


如果WhatsApp群发消息之后,大量的消息状态是灰色双钩、甚至是灰色单钩状态,那么需要检讨”料子“的质量、是否对料子做了二筛、精筛?同时,在创建WhatsApp群发的campaigns,有没有设置DM消息的标题caption?或者caption攥写没有技巧,导致收件人在收到App应用内”红点“消息提示时,因为没有看到标题、或者标题太普通没有吸引力和阅读下去的欲望,选择忽略不点开、或者直接删除消息、甚至直接block或者report你的WhatsApp账户。还有一种情况就是,有很多相信了WhatsApp API账号可以不限行业、不限内容、不限数量群发消息这种鬼话的出海人士,发现出现消息单勾的情况更加突出。如果希望了解这是怎么回事,不妨先看看这篇文章的分享:用WhatsApp API去群发开发信和推广信息根本不可能!!



  • 灰色单勾:消息已发送,但尚未送达对方手机。

  • 灰色双勾:消息已送达对方手机,但对方尚未阅读。

  • 蓝色双勾:消息已送达对方手机,并且对方已阅读。


  • 灰色单勾:对方手机没有收到消息。

  • 灰色双勾:对方手机已收到消息,但尚未阅读。

  • 蓝色双勾:对方手机已收到消息,并且已阅读。

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  • 灰色单钩表示该消息是已经发送但未送达对方的状态。

  • 这通常是因为对方在您发送消息后消息不久就下线了。whatsapp无法立即将消息送达。

  • 系统会一直将这条消息保存,并在对方下次上线后继续尝试送达。

  • 如果很长时间(一般半小时或更长时间)对方还未上线,系统会自动将消息状态更改为双钩(送达)。

  • 用户也可以手动将单钩消息置顶,使用"发送信息"功能重发一遍。

  • 这可以尽快让对方收到消息,避免长时间单钩造成的误解。


  • 对方长时间下线没有上线whataspp,无法接收消息。可以通过其他联系方式(电话/邮件等)联系对方。

  • 对方可能将您设置为了"只有联系人可见",无法送达外部联系人。可以询问对方检查自己的隐私设置。

  • 网络或者系统问题,暂时无法更新消息状态。可以尝试关闭应用后重新进入,或者切换网络重试。

  • 消息过大附件无法送达,whataspp限制10M以内。可以删除大附件重发。

  • 对方可能已将您封锁或删除了您的聊天记录。需要确认对方行为。

  • 消息可能已被标记为垃圾短信而过滤了。可以尝试减少中英文切换或符号内容。

  • 也有可能对方已注销或解绑了whataspp账号。建议联系对方确认。

  • 如果长时间无效,可以考虑重新发起一条新消息。可以先通过其他方式联系对方确认消息送达情况。

The WhatsApp gray single tick refers to the status of a message in a WhatsApp chat window that displays a gray single tick. Specifically: The gray single tick indicates that the message has been sent but has not been delivered to the recipient.This usually occurs when the recipient goes offline shortly after you send the message, and WhatsApp is unable to deliver the message immediately.The system will continue to store the message and attempt to deliver it when the recipient comes back online.If the recipient remains offline for a long time (usually half an hour or more), the system will automatically change the message status to a double tick (delivered).Users can also manually mark the single-tick message as sent by using the "Send Information" function to resend the message.This can help the recipient receive the message quickly and avoid misunderstandings caused by the single-tick status.
In general, the WhatsApp gray single tick indicates that the message has not been successfully delivered, but the system is still trying to deliver it in the background. So, what should I do if the message remains in the gray single-tick state? Join our airplane channel: t.me/qunfatech to learn more about WhatsApp marketing knowledge. If the WhatsApp message remains stuck in the gray single-tick state and does not change to a double tick (delivered), there may be several reasons and solutions: The recipient has been offline for a long time and has not checked WhatsApp. You can try contacting them through other means (phone/email, etc.).The recipient may have set their privacy settings to "only allow contacts to see" and cannot receive messages from external contacts. You can ask them to check their privacy settings.There may be a network or system issue that prevents the message status from updating. You can try closing the app and re-entering, or switching networks and retrying.The message attachment may be too large and exceeds the 10M limit. You can delete the attachment and resend.The recipient may have blocked or deleted the chat record. You need to confirm their actions.The message may have been marked as spam and filtered out. You can try reducing the frequency of switching between Chinese and English or using symbols in the content.It's also possible that the recipient has deactivated or unbound their WhatsApp account. You should contact them to confirm.If it's still ineffective after a long time, you can consider re-sending a new message. You can try contacting the recipient through other means to confirm the delivery status of the message.

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那么,怎样判断对方可能已将您封锁或删除了您的聊天记录呢?如果怀疑对方可能已将你封锁或删除了聊天记录,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|可以根据以下迹象进行判断:

  • 你之前的所有聊天记录和群组都无法找到。

  • 即使多次重发消息,对方也没有回应,消息状态长时间停留在单钩未读状态。

  • 尝试给对方打电话或发短信,但对方表示没有收到你的消息。

  • 查看对方的 whatsapp 最后上线时间,但上次通话记录却是很久以前。

  • 你之前分享的照片、视频或文件等资源,对方无法在聊天记录中找到。

  • 其他你共同的朋友也无法查看你和该联系人之前的会话记录。

  • 直接在该联系人聊天窗口发送新消息时,提示"无法发送,请检查你的互联网连接"。

  • 查看该联系人在你的通讯录联系人列表中的个人资料,信息可能已被清空。

  • 多次尝试添加该联系人为好友,但对方并未接收或接受好友请求。


  • 直接给该联系人打电话问清楚,礼貌询问是否移除了您的信息。

  • 通过其他渠道(比如共同的朋友)询问该联系人您的消息是否收到。

  • 查看该联系人在WhatsApp中的最后上线时间,如果与真实情况不符可能已经删除您。

  • 尝试给该联系人发送一条全新的消息,如果提示“无法发送,请检查网络”极有可能被删除。

  • 查看通讯录中该联系人的个人资料或头像是否还完整。

  • 通过WhatsApp Web登录您的账户,查看该联系人匿名档是否仍存在。

  • 尝试重新添加该联系人为好友,如果对方很快回应可能只是移除了聊天记录。

  • 如果长时间下线且无回应,可判断很可能已经被清空通讯录信息。

  • 询问共同好友是否还可以查看或联系上该人,作为参考依据。


The WhatsApp gray single tick refers to the status of a message in a WhatsApp chat window that displays a gray single tick. Specifically: The gray single tick indicates that the message has been sent but has not been delivered to the recipient.This usually occurs when the recipient goes offline shortly after you send the message, and WhatsApp is unable to deliver the message immediately.The system will continue to store the message and attempt to deliver it when the recipient comes back online.If the recipient remains offline for a long time (usually half an hour or more), the system will automatically change the message status to a double tick (delivered).Users can also manually mark the single-tick message as sent by using the "Send Information" function to resend the message.This can help the recipient receive the message quickly and avoid misunderstandings caused by the single-tick status.
In general, the WhatsApp gray single tick indicates that the message has not been successfully delivered, but the system is still trying to deliver it in the background. So, what should I do if the message remains in the gray single-tick state? Join our airplane channel: t.me/qunfatech to learn more about WhatsApp marketing knowledge. If the WhatsApp message remains stuck in the gray single-tick state and does not change to a double tick (delivered), there may be several reasons and solutions: The recipient has been offline for a long time and has not checked WhatsApp. You can try contacting them through other means (phone/email, etc.).The recipient may have set their privacy settings to "only allow contacts to see" and cannot receive messages from external contacts. You can ask them to check their privacy settings.There may be a network or system issue that prevents the message status from updating. You can try closing the app and re-entering, or switching networks and retrying.The message attachment may be too large and exceeds the 10M limit. You can delete the attachment and resend.The recipient may have blocked or deleted the chat record. You need to confirm their actions.The message may have been marked as spam and filtered out. You can try reducing the frequency of switching between Chinese and English or using symbols in the content.It's also possible that the recipient has deactivated or unbound their WhatsApp account. You should contact them to confirm.If it's still ineffective after a long time, you can consider re-sending a new message. You can try contacting the recipient through other means to confirm the delivery status of the message.


WhatsApp消息状态图标灰色双勾的图标形式是两条竖线,有点像手机信号的两条竖线。图标颜色呈灰色,而不是蓝色。表示消息已送达接收者,但接收者还未看到该消息。消息状态栏会显示为"已送达"状态,但内容接收者尚未打开查看。其可能的后续变化一般会有:接收者打开WhatsApp后, status将变为蓝色双勾,表示消息已阅读;而长时间不打开也会保持灰色双勾,表示消息收到但忽略。所以WhatsApp灰色双勾状态表示消息己送达、但还未被接收者实际查看,它保护了用户隐私,所以我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|在群发时,是无法判断对方具体阅读时间的。WhatsApp灰色双钩代表的具体含义是:

  • 灰色双钩表示信息已经送达对方,但对方尚未查看此消息。

  • 单tap查看后会变成蓝色双钩,代表对方已阅读此消息。如果过了一段时间还停留在灰色双钩状态,表明对方看到了消息提醒,但暂时未打开WhatsApp工查看详情。

  • 也有可能对方已将通知设置为静音,所以仅仅获取了收到消息的通知,但未实际查看消息内容。这与字面上的"已送达"含义不同,实际上只是消息成功发送,但对方App内未阅读。

  • 一般来说,如果48小时内还停留在灰色双钩,可以理解为对方忽略或未回复这条消息

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  • 灰色双钩是WhatsApp为了保护用户隐私设计的,避免其他人知道你什么时候看消息。

  • 即使在你看见消息后的几秒内,状态也可能保持灰色,这与网络延迟有关。

  • 对方即使只是从消息提醒中看到内容摘要,状态也会变灰双钩,并不代表一定打开聊天窗口看的。

  • 部分Android版本上,在消息列表滑动消息也可能触发状态变灰,实际未进入详情页。

  • 群组消息送达後,每个成员的状态都可能因网络差异先後变成灰色双钩。

  • 修改通知设置为静音,可以让对方以为您很快查看了消息,但实际并未提醒您。

  • 在查阅旧消息时,状态也有可能短暂显灰无法判断真实情况。

  • 只有在进入聊天窗口下滑动可知对方最后阅读的具体内容。


The WhatsApp message status icon in the form of two vertical lines, resembling a mobile phone signal, is a gray double tick. The icon is gray in color, not blue. It indicates that the message has been delivered to the recipient, but the recipient has not yet seen the message. The message status bar will display as "Delivered", but the recipient has not opened and viewed the content. The possible subsequent changes are: After the recipient opens WhatsApp, the status will change to a blue double tick, indicating that the message has been read. If the recipient does not open WhatsApp for a long time, the gray double tick will remain, indicating that the message has been delivered but ignored. Therefore, the WhatsApp gray double tick status indicates that the message has been delivered, but the recipient has not actually viewed it, protecting user privacy. So, when we | join our airplane channel: t.me/qunfatech |, we cannot determine the exact time the recipient reads the message.

The gray double tick represents: The message has been delivered to the recipient, but the recipient has not yet viewed it. A single tap will change it to a blue double tick, indicating that the recipient has read the message. If it remains in the gray double tick state for a long time, it means the recipient has seen the message notification but has not opened WhatsApp to view the details. It's also possible that the recipient has set notifications to silent, so they only received the notification but did not actually view the message content. This is different from the literal meaning of "Delivered", which means the message was successfully sent, but not actually read within the app.
In general, if the message remains in the gray double tick state for 48 hours, it can be understood that the recipient has ignored or not replied to the message. So, in general, the WhatsApp gray double tick status indicates that the message has been successfully delivered to the recipient, but the recipient has not yet viewed it within the app. | Join our Telegram channel:t.me/qunfatech | So, why did WhatsApp set up the gray double tick status? The gray double tick is designed by WhatsApp to protect user privacy, avoiding others knowing when you view messages. Even if you see the message within a few seconds, the status may still remain gray, which is related to network latency. If the recipient only sees the message summary in the notification, the status will also turn gray, but it does not necessarily mean they opened the chat window. On some Android versions, scrolling through the message list may trigger the status to turn gray, even if they didn't enter the details page. When sending group messages, each member's status may change to gray double tick due to network differences. Modifying notification settings to silent can make the recipient think you viewed the message quickly, but in fact, you didn't receive a notification. When viewing old messages, the status may temporarily turn gray, making it difficult to determine the actual situation. You can only know the recipient's last read content by entering the chat window and scrolling down. Therefore, the gray double tick represents that the message has been delivered, but it's unclear whether the recipient has actually viewed the content details.



  • 收发双方都可确定接收者已打开WhatsApp并阅读了这条消息内容。

  • 产生条件是当接收者在WhatsApp内下拉聊天窗口或进入已读消息页时触发。

  • 对后续消息影响是,后续传输的消息都会直接显示为已读,不会有未读状态。

  • 应用可知对方已把你的信息阅读,也可以判定对方目前上线WhatsApp。

  • 但是,出于隐私保护需要,WhatsApp群发者还是无法得知对方阅读的具体时间,只确认已阅读状态。


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  • 即使只看了消息提示而未进入聊天界面,状态也会变蓝。

  • 有些Android版本下,滑动聊天列表也会误触蓝色。

  • 脱机同步后一起变蓝,无法判断实际阅读时间。

  • 群组消息每人状态变蓝都与网络延迟有关。

  • 消息内链接或图片在浏览器中打开也会触发蓝签。

  • 在其他设备终端登入WhatsApp帐号同样可修改状态。

  • 离线消息在后续查询阅读也会产生蓝色状态。

  • 接收者清理聊天也不会影响已读状态记录。

  • 未开启已读回执的情况下,状态实际停留在最后阅读位置。

  • 具体内容浏览时间依然无法得知,只确认消息传达。

  • 修改为飞行模式后重新联网,某些旧消息状态可能一起变蓝。

所以虽然确认消息已读,但无法追踪阅读的具体细节。我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|良心的说:蓝色双勾仅代表打开率或者消息的点击率,并不代表实际的”阅读率“。这里还有一些其他需要了解的WhatsApp消息状态方面的信息:

  • 失联状态(断网):如果长时间没有连接网络,对应的状态图标为止小叉。表示消息暂未发送成功。

  • 送达单钩:表示消息已成功发送,但对方设备当前offline,消息未真正送达。

  • 送达双钩:消息送达成功,但对方未读是灰色双钩;如果已读就是蓝色双钩。

  • 在同一个手机上使用WhatsApp Web,会对应主账户状态实时同步。

  • 如果开启了阅后即焚,已读消息将会消失,状态保留在最后一条未消失信息。

  • WhatsApp根据用户行为会调整状态变更的时间,给予更好体验。

  • 直接删除某个联系人,与之前的全部聊天记录也将被删除。

  • 仅对某条消息勾选了不提醒,它的状态可能会一直停留在一个阶段。

  • 离线同步后,有可能一批消息状态同时变为已读。

  • 使用数台设备登录一个账户,每个设备阅读的状态都会实时反馈。

The WhatsApp message status icon in the form of two blue vertical lines, similar to the gray double tick but with a different color, indicates that the message has been received and read by the recipient. The message status bar displays as "Read" status, meaning: Both the sender and recipient can confirm that the recipient has opened WhatsApp and read the message content. The condition for triggering this status is when the recipient scrolls down the chat window or enters the read message page within WhatsApp. The subsequent impact is that subsequent messages will directly display as "Read" and will not show an unread status. It can be known that the recipient has read the message, and it can also be determined that the recipient is currently online on WhatsApp.

However, due to privacy protection needs, WhatsApp group senders still cannot know the exact time the recipient reads the message, only confirming the read status. So, the WhatsApp blue double tick represents that the message has been received and read, confirming that the group sender's WS information DM has been successfully delivered. However, you need to further understand that: Even if the recipient only views the message notification without entering the chat interface, the status will still turn blue. On some Android versions, scrolling through the chat list can also trigger a blue tick. Offline synchronization will also turn blue, making it impossible to determine the actual reading time. Each member's status in a group message is related to network latency. Opening a message link or image in a browser will also trigger a blue tick. Logging in to a WhatsApp account on another device can also modify the status. Offline messages will also turn blue when queried later. The recipient clearing the chat will not affect the read status record. Without enabling read receipts, the status will remain at the last read position. The specific content browsing time is still unknown, only confirming message delivery.

So, although it is confirmed that the message has been read, it is impossible to track the specific details of reading. We | unique official website: qunfa.tech | honestly say that the blue double tick only represents the opening rate or click-through rate, but not the actual "reading rate". Here are some other WhatsApp message status aspects that need to be understood: Disconnection status (offline): If there is no network connection for a long time, the corresponding status icon is a small cross. It indicates that the message has not been sent successfully. Delivered single tick: Indicates that the message has been successfully sent, but the recipient's device is currently offline, and the message has not been truly delivered. Delivered double tick: The message has been successfully delivered, but the recipient has not read it, which is a gray double tick; if it has been read, it becomes a blue double tick. Using WhatsApp Web on the same phone will synchronize the main account status in real-time. If "read and burn" is enabled, read messages will disappear, and the status will remain on the last unread message. 

WhatsApp adjusts the status change time based on user behavior to provide a better experience. Directly deleting a contact will also delete all previous chat records. Selecting "do not notify" for a specific message will keep its status stuck in one phase. Offline synchronization may cause a batch of messages to simultaneously turn to "Read" status. Using multiple devices to log in to one account will reflect the reading status of each device in real-time.


在之前的分享中,我们忠告过出海团队:用WhatsApp API去群发开发信和推广信息根本不可能!!如果你还在纠结是否用API去做WhatsApp群发,也可以用下面的方法去测试DM私信的送达效果。WhatsApp群发消息之后,有关送达、状态主要有以下几种颜色表示:

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  • 灰色单钩:消息已经发送,但还未送达对方。

  • 灰色双钩:消息已经送达对方手机,但对方还未阅读。

  • 蓝色双钩:消息已经被对方阅读。这是最终的已读状态。

  • 绿色:表示该消息是您自己发送的消息。

  • 乳白色:不是一个完整的状态,表示消息还在发送过程中。

  • 红点:出现在聊天框右上角,表示该聊天还有未读消息。

  • 蓝点:出现在对方头像下,表示对方正在输入或撰写回复。

  • 灰点:头像下的点变灰,表示对方停止了输入状态。

  • 橙黄色:标识消息是图片/视频/文件等媒体类型。

  • 失联状态:表示长时间无法连接网络,用一个小叉表示。

In our previous articles, we warned the overseas teams: using WhatsApp API to send bulk messages and promotional information is fundamentally impossible!! If you're still hesitating about whether to use API for WhatsApp bulk messaging, you can use the following method to test the delivery effect of DM private messages. After sending WhatsApp bulk messages, the delivery status is mainly represented by the following colors: Gray single tick: The message has been sent, but has not yet been delivered to the recipient. Gray double tick: The message has been delivered to the recipient's phone, but the recipient has not yet read it. Blue double tick: The message has been read by the recipient. This is the final read status. Green: Indicates that the message is a message sent by yourself. White: Not a complete status, indicating that the message is still in the sending process. Red dot: Appears in the top-right corner of the chat box, indicating that there are unread messages in the chat. Blue dot: Appears below the recipient's avatar, indicating that the recipient is typing or composing a reply. Gray dot: The dot below the avatar turns gray, indicating that the recipient has stopped typing. Orange-yellow: Identifies the message as a multimedia type, such as a picture, video, or file. Disconnection status: Indicates that there has been no network connection for a long time, represented by a small cross.

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“WhatsApp群发后的灰色单勾和双勾、蓝色双沟的含义?为什么灰色单钩很可能是对方已经封锁了你的消息甚至删除了你的账号?如何据此提升WS群发送达率?” 的相关文章

大量出售飞机直登号Telegram Tdata, 如何交付、如何登录、如何养号?

大量出售飞机直登号Telegram Tdata, 如何交付、如何登录、如何养号?

从我们这里购买Telegram Tdata账号之后:大量出售飞机直登号, 各个国家都有欢迎批发!Telegram Tdata | Session + Json Accounts Wholesale!! - 海量采集批量群发 (qunfa.tech),您将会收到Tdata文件。然后,按照我们下面的教程...




Instagram 自动营销和批量管理工具深度解析:Jarvee、Instagress 和 FollowLiker 的全面对比

Instagram 自动营销和批量管理工具深度解析:Jarvee、Instagress 和 FollowLiker 的全面对比

在当今数字营销时代,Instagram 作为全球最大的图片社交平台之一,拥有庞大的用户群体,为品牌和个人提供了巨大的营销潜力。然而,手动管理多个 Instagram 账户既费时费力,又容易被平台识别为恶意行为,导致账户被封禁。因此,掌握 Instagram 批量管理技巧,构建高效的自动化系统,已成为...

IME:Telegram 的第三方客户端深度解析!集成 Telegram 社交、加密钱包和 DeFi 的智能平台的 Telegram 第三方客户端!

IME:Telegram 的第三方客户端深度解析!集成 Telegram 社交、加密钱包和 DeFi 的智能平台的 Telegram 第三方客户端!

IME 是一款功能强大的 Telegram 第三方客户端,它为用户提供了比官方客户端更加丰富的功能和定制选项,为用户提供更加个性化和高效的 Telegram 使用体验。本文将从多个角度深入解析 IME,帮助用户全面了解这款优秀的 Telegram 客户端。在其强大的功能中,很多出海人士对其多账号的登...

Telegram 客户端全解析:TELEGRAM有哪些官方客户端?还有哪些稳定靠谱且支持登陆多个账号的第三方客户端?

Telegram 客户端全解析:TELEGRAM有哪些官方客户端?还有哪些稳定靠谱且支持登陆多个账号的第三方客户端?

Telegram 作为一款全球知名的即时通讯软件,凭借其强大的功能、安全性和开放性,吸引了大量的出海用户。但是,很多出海团队并不知道如何解决多开、或者登录多个飞机账号的刚需。我们发现,很多出海人士都拥有多个 Telegram 账号,特别是 Tdata 直登号在首次登录时,仅能在电脑端登录。这时,如果...

出海团队为何钟情于 Fragment 888 虚拟号码注册的 Telegram 账号:匿名性成为其灰产业务的保护伞!如何注册一个 Telegram 888 账号?

出海团队为何钟情于 Fragment 888 虚拟号码注册的 Telegram 账号:匿名性成为其灰产业务的保护伞!如何注册一个 Telegram 888 账号?

出海团队为何钟情于 Fragment 888 号码注册的 Telegram 账号:匿名性成为其业务的保护伞在全球化的浪潮下,出海团队如雨后春笋般涌现,他们将目光投向海外市场,寻求新的发展机遇。然而,在跨越国界、拓展业务的同时,出海团队也面临着诸多挑战,其中之一便是如何保障自身的安全和隐私。Teleg...