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我们出售Facebook大黑号, We sell Facebook aged accounts with follower & pages!

我们出售的Facebook大黑号均为合法渠道获取,请勿用于非法用途!在中国市场上,Facebook 「大黑号」账户指的是一种拥有大量好友关系、粉丝或互动的 Facebook 账户。这些账户经常用于 Facebook 营销和广告目的。


  1. 大量朋友:数千到数万的朋友。

  2. 高互动率:高互动率,如点赞、评论和分享。

  3. 影响力:账户拥有影响力,拥有大量的粉丝和高信用度。


  1. 红人营销:品牌与大黑号账户持有者合作,以推广其产品或服务。

  2. Facebook 广告:大黑号账户用于运行目标 Facebook 广告,以达到大量的受众。

  3. 内容推广:大黑号账户用于推广内容,如博客文章、视频或产品。


  1. 自然增长:通过高质量内容和互动来建立大量的粉丝规模。

  2. 付费广告:使用 Facebook 的广告平台来增加受众和互动。

  3. 账户矩阵:创建多个 Facebook 账户,并通过各种手段交叉引流,如批量点赞(我们提供Facebook和Instagram点赞服务)和评论(我们提供Facebook和Instagram评论服务)来增长它们。

然而,需要注意的是,通过技术手段去欺骗Meta的服务器,如机器人批量假点赞和评论,创建大黑号账户一定会违反 Facebook 的服务条款,可能导致账户暂停或直接封号。所以,建议购买我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|的老号,质量高,通常:

*拥有数十万成员的 Facebook 群组。
*拥有高互动率和数百万粉丝的 Facebook page 主页页面。

请记住,即使在购买了高质量的大黑号账户,出海营销人员在用于营销和广告目的,也应该符合 Facebook 的政策和指南,否则极易被封号。

In the Chinese market, a Facebook "大黑号" (Da Hei Hao) refers to a type of Facebook account that has a large number of friends, followers, or engagement. These accounts are often used for Facebook marketing and advertising purposes.

大黑号 accounts typically have the following characteristics:

  1. Large friend count: Thousands to tens of thousands of friends.

  2. High engagement: High engagement rates, such as likes, comments, and shares.

  3. Influencer status: The account has influencer status, with a large following and high credibility.

大黑号 accounts are often used for various purposes, including:

  1. Influencer marketing: Brands partner with 大黑号 account holders to promote their products or services.

  2. Facebook advertising: 大黑号 accounts are used to run targeted Facebook ads to reach a large audience.

  3. Content promotion: 大黑号 accounts are used to promote content, such as blog posts, videos, or products.

There are several ways to create a 大黑号 account, including:

  1. Organic growth: Building a large following through high-quality content and engagement.

  2. Paid advertising: Using Facebook's advertising platform to increase followers and engagement.

  3. Account farming: Creating multiple Facebook accounts and growing them through various means, such as fake likes and comments.

However, it's essential to note that creating a 大黑号 account through fraudulent means, such as fake likes and comments, is against Facebook's terms of service and can result in account suspension or termination.

Here are some examples of 大黑号 accounts:

  • Influencer accounts with millions of followers.

  • Facebook groups with hundreds of thousands of members.

  • Facebook pages with high engagement rates and millions of followers.

Keep in mind that the use of 大黑号 accounts for marketing and advertising purposes should comply with Facebook's policies and guidelines.


  • 盗号:一些不法分子可能通过钓鱼、木马或其他恶意手段盗取Facebook用户的账号和密码,然后将这些账号出售给其他人。

  • 购买:一些人可能通过正常的交易手段购买Facebook账号,例如从其他用户手中购买或通过在线市场购买。

  • 自行注册鱼池养号:一些人可能通过自动化工具,自行注册大量Facebook账号,然后通过各种手段增加账号的权重和影响力,例如通过购买粉丝或发布大量AI生产的内容。


  • 钓鱼攻击:盗号者会发送虚假邮件或短信,诱骗用户点击恶意链接。一旦用户点击了恶意链接,他们的Facebook账号信息就会被盗取。

  • 木马病毒:盗号者会通过木马病毒来感染用户的电脑或手机。一旦电脑或手机被感染,盗号者就可以轻松地获取用户的Facebook账号信息。

  • 黑客攻击:盗号者会利用黑客技术来入侵Facebook的服务器,并窃取用户的账号信息。


"Facebook large accounts sold on the Chinese market are likely to be obtained through stolen accounts.

Facebook large accounts refer to those with a large number of friends and followers. These accounts are often used to send spam, promote products or services, or even engage in fraudulent activities.

Thieves typically obtain Facebook accounts through the following methods:

Phishing attacks: Thieves send fake emails or text messages, luring users to click on malicious links. Once users click on the malicious links, their Facebook account information is stolen.
Trojan viruses: Thieves use Trojan viruses to infect users' computers or mobile phones. Once infected, thieves can easily obtain users' Facebook account information.
Hacking attacks: Thieves use hacking techniques to infiltrate Facebook's servers and steal user account information.

If you purchase Facebook large accounts sold on the Chinese market, it is likely that your account will be banned by Facebook. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not purchase these accounts."

如果需要批量注册或者购买大量SNS社媒账号、涨粉、刷播放量、直播间挂铁,可联系此服务商:服务涵盖TikTok, Discord, YouTube, Twitch, Telegram, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, X, Spotify, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Viber, VK, Gmail, Google Voice, Skpye及全网和27个主流SNS社媒平台。可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/pascga (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

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