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很多出海人士都经历过刚注册完 Instagram 账号,就莫名其妙的很快就挂掉了。幸运一点的会要求身份验证,然而对于灰产人士,怎么可能满足 Meta 官方的要求,去提供身份证件和自拍照呢?所以,在新号注册之后,一定要“养号”!避免账号早夭。那么又如何养号呢?首先要弄明白,新注册的 Instagram 账号为什么会被秒死?其主要的原因通常包括:可疑活动,Instagram 的算法设计了检测和防止可疑活动,如快速发帖、点赞或评论。如果您的账号被标记为可疑行为,它可能会被立即封禁。虚假或不完整的信息,如果您在注册过程中提供虚假或不完整的信息,Instagram 可能会怀疑您的账号是假的或垃圾的,从而导致封禁。用户名或电子邮件地址已经与封禁账号关联,如果您使用的用户名或电子邮件地址之前已经与封禁账号关联,Instagram 可能会自动封禁您的新账号。使用 VPN 或代理,Instagram 可能会标记您的账号,如果您使用 VPN 或代理来注册,因为这可能被视为试图规避他们的安全措施。从同一个 IP 地址注册多个账号,如果您从同一个 IP 地址注册多个账号,Instagram 可能会怀疑您试图创建假账号或进行垃圾行为。使用自动化工具或机器人:如果您使用自动化工具或机器人,也就是出海人士口中经常提到的所谓“Instagram注册机”、“Ins群控”来大量注册或管理您的账号,Instagram 可能会检测到这点并封禁您的账号。不符合 Instagram 的服务条款,如果您的账号不符合 Instagram 的服务条款,如未提供准确信息,您的账号可能会被封禁。

要避免 Instagram 账号被封禁,请确保:在注册过程中提供准确和完整的信息;使用独特和强的密码;避免可疑活动,如快速发帖或点赞;使用抗风控能力强悍的自动化工具或机器人;不从同一个 IP 地址注册多个账号;确保您符合 Instagram 的服务条款。如果您的账号被封禁,您可以按照 Instagram 提供的说明来申诉决定。祝您好运!🤞如果需要大量注册 Instagram 账号、及群发海量的 DM 私信推广消息,可以了解:(1)Instagram批量自动注册海量账号工具           (2)Instagram批量采集、自动群发工具,日发80万DM消息和好友邀请、触达海量潜在客户不受限!在使用我们的工具完成大量的 Instagram 账号注册之后,同样需要养号、且科学的养号!

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There are several reasons why a newly registered Instagram account might get banned or "秒死" (dead in seconds):

  1. Suspicious activity: Instagram's algorithm is designed to detect and prevent suspicious activity, such as rapid-fire posting, liking, or commenting. If your account is flagged for suspicious behavior, it may be banned immediately.

  2. Fake or incomplete information: If you provide fake or incomplete information during the registration process, Instagram may suspect that your account is fake or spammy, leading to an immediate ban.

  3. Username or email address already associated with a banned account: If you use a username or email address that was previously associated with a banned account, Instagram may automatically ban your new account.

  4. Using a VPN or proxy: Instagram may flag your account if you're using a VPN or proxy to register, as this can be seen as an attempt to circumvent their security measures.

  5. Registering multiple accounts from the same IP address: If you're registering multiple accounts from the same IP address, Instagram may suspect that you're trying to create fake accounts or engage in spammy behavior.

  6. Using automated tools or bots: If you're using automated tools or bots to register or manage your account, Instagram may detect this and ban your account.

  7. Not meeting Instagram's terms of service: If your account doesn't meet Instagram's terms of service, such as being under 13 years old or not providing accurate information, your account may be banned.

To avoid getting your Instagram account banned, make sure to:

  • Provide accurate and complete information during registration

  • Use a unique and strong password

  • Avoid suspicious activity, such as rapid-fire posting or liking

  • Don't use automated tools or bots

  • Don't register multiple accounts from the same IP address

  • Make sure you're meeting Instagram's terms of service

If your account is banned, you can try to appeal the decision by following the instructions provided by Instagram. Good luck! 🤞

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新注册的 Instagram 账号如何养号?

新注册的 Instagram 账号就像一张白纸,需要经过一段时间的“暖身”才能获得平台的信任,进而拥有更高的活跃度和更好的使用体验。这个过程被称为养号,它可以帮助你避免被平台识别为垃圾账号,从而顺利使用 Instagram 进行各种活动,例如:

  • 关注用户和品牌

  • 发布内容

  • 进行互动

  • 参与话题

  • 进行营销推广

一、 Instagram 养号的必要性

  1. 避免被平台识别为垃圾账号: 新注册的账号缺乏活跃度和互动记录,容易被平台识别为垃圾账号,从而限制功能,例如:

    • 无法关注用户和品牌

    • 无法发布内容

    • 无法进行互动

    • 账号被封禁

  2. 提升账号信誉度: 通过养号,可以积累活跃度和互动记录,提升账号信誉度,从而获得更多平台资源和权限。

  3. 提高账号使用体验: 拥有良好信誉度的账号可以享受更流畅的使用体验,例如:

    • 能够关注更多用户和品牌

    • 能够发布更多内容

    • 能够进行更多互动

    • 账号不会被封禁

  4. 提升内容曝光率: 拥有良好信誉度的账号更容易获得平台的推荐,从而提升内容曝光率,吸引更多用户关注。

  5. 提高营销效果: 拥有良好信誉度的账号更容易进行营销推广,例如:

    • 能够进行付费广告投放

    • 能够与品牌进行合作

    • 能够获得更多用户信任

二、 Instagram 养号的步骤

  1. 完善个人资料: 填写完整的个人资料,包括头像、姓名、简介、联系方式等信息,让你的账号看起来更真实可靠。

  2. 关注相关用户和品牌: 关注与你兴趣爱好、工作领域或目标用户相关的用户和品牌,例如:

    • 关注你的朋友和家人

    • 关注你的行业专家和意见领袖

    • 关注你的竞争对手

    • 关注你的目标用户群体

  3. 发布高质量内容: 发布与你个人资料和兴趣爱好相关的高质量内容,例如:

    • 照片

    • 视频

    • 文字

    • 直播

  4. 进行互动: 与其他用户进行互动,例如:

    • 点赞

    • 评论

    • 回复

    • 私信

  5. 参与话题: 参与与你兴趣爱好或工作领域相关的热门话题,例如:

    • 使用相关话题标签

    • 发布相关内容

    • 参与相关讨论

  6. 使用 Instagram 内置功能: 使用 Instagram 的内置功能,例如:

    • 直播

    • 故事

    • Reels

    • 购物功能

  7. 保持活跃度: 定期登录 Instagram,进行各种活动,保持账号活跃度,避免被平台识别为僵尸账号。

三、 Ins 养号的技巧

  1. 循序渐进: 不要一开始就过于频繁地进行各种活动,要循序渐进,逐渐增加活动频率,避免被平台识别为异常行为。

  2. 高质量内容: 发布高质量的内容,例如:

    • 原创内容

    • 有价值的信息

    • 吸引人的图片和视频

    • 符合平台审美标准

  3. 真实互动: 与其他用户进行真实互动,避免使用机器人或脚本进行自动化操作。

  4. 避免敏感话题: 避免发布敏感话题,例如:

    • 政治敏感话题

    • 宗教敏感话题

    • 色情话题

    • 暴力话题

  5. 遵守平台规则: 遵守 Instagram 的使用条款,避免违规操作,例如:

    • 发送垃圾信息

    • 恶意营销

    • 违反版权

    • 侵犯隐私

  6. 使用多种互动方式: 使用多种互动方式,例如:

    • 点赞

    • 评论

    • 回复

    • 私信

    • 直播互动

    • 故事互动

  7. 关注相关账号: 关注与你兴趣爱好或工作领域相关的账号,例如:

    • 关注你的朋友和家人

    • 关注你的行业专家和意见领袖

    • 关注你的竞争对手

    • 关注你的目标用户群体

  8. 使用相关话题标签: 使用与你内容相关的热门话题标签,例如:

    • 使用行业相关话题标签

    • 使用热门话题标签

    • 使用地理位置话题标签

  9. 使用 Instagram 广告: 使用 Instagram 广告来推广你的账号和内容,例如:

    • 运行付费广告活动

    • 使用 Instagram 的广告管理工具

  10. 与其他用户合作: 与其他用户合作,例如:

    • 进行联合推广

    • 共同发布内容

    • 互相点赞和评论

四、 Instagram 养号的时间周期

Warm Up 养号的时间周期取决于你的活动频率和内容质量。一般来说,需要至少 1-2 周的时间才能获得平台的信任。

五、 Instagram 养号的工具和资源

  1. Instagram 官方网站: Instagram 官方网站提供了详细的使用说明和平台规则。

  2. Instagram 社区: Instagram 社区提供了大量的学习资源和交流平台,例如:

    • Instagram 中文社区

    • Instagram 英文社区

  3. 第三方工具: 一些第三方工具可以帮助你进行 Warm Up 养号,例如:

六、 Ins 养号的常见问题

  1. 如何选择合适的目标用户?

    • 确定你的目标用户群体,例如:年龄、性别、兴趣爱好、职业等。

    • 研究你的目标用户群体,了解他们的行为习惯、消费习惯、兴趣爱好等。

    • 关注与你的目标用户群体相关的用户和品牌。

  2. 如何发布高质量的内容?

    • 发布原创内容,避免抄袭或盗用。

    • 发布与你的个人资料和兴趣爱好相关的内容。

    • 使用高质量的图片和视频。

    • 使用吸引人的文字描述。

    • 使用相关话题标签。

  3. 如何进行有效的互动?

    • 真诚地与其他用户进行互动,避免使用机器人或脚本进行自动化操作。

    • 关注其他用户的评论和私信,及时回复。

    • 参与其他用户的直播和故事。

  4. 如何避免被平台识别为垃圾账号?

    • 遵守 Instagram 的使用条款,避免违规操作。

    • 发布高质量的内容,避免发布垃圾信息。

    • 真诚地与其他用户进行互动,避免使用机器人或脚本进行自动化操作。

    • 避免发布敏感话题。

  5. 如何提高内容曝光率?

    • 使用相关话题标签。

    • 发布高质量的内容。

    • 进行有效的互动。

    • 使用 Instagram 广告。

    • 与其他用户合作。

不得不说,养号是新注册 Instagram 账号必不可少的一步,它可以帮助你避免被平台识别为垃圾账号,提升账号信誉度,提高账号使用体验,提升内容曝光率,提高营销效果。通过遵循以上步骤和技巧,你可以有效地进行养号,让你的 Instagram 账号快速成长,获得更好的使用体验。



  • 使用 Instagram Insights: Instagram Insights 提供了有关你的账号和内容的详细数据,例如:

    • 关注者增长

    • 内容参与度

    • 内容曝光率

    • 受众特征

  • 使用 Instagram Analytics 工具: 一些第三方工具可以帮助你分析你的 Instagram 数据,例如:

    • Later

    • Hootsuite

    • SproutSocial

  • 关注行业趋势: 关注 Instagram 的最新趋势和变化,例如:

    • 新功能

    • 新算法

    • 新平台规则

  • 不断学习和改进: 不断学习和改进你的 Warm Up 养号策略,以获得更好的效果。

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How to Warm Up a Newly Registered Instagram Account?

A newly registered Instagram account is like a blank sheet of paper. It needs to go through a period of "warming up" to gain the platform's trust and achieve higher activity and a better user experience. This process is called Warm Up, which can help you avoid being identified by the platform as a spam account and smoothly use Instagram for various activities, such as:

  • Following users and brands

  • Posting content

  • Interacting with others

  • Participating in topics

  • Engaging in marketing promotions

I. The Necessity of Warm Up

  1. Avoid being identified as a spam account by the platform: Newly registered accounts lack activity and interaction records, making them easily identified as spam accounts by the platform, which can restrict functionalities, such as:

    • Unable to follow users and brands

    • Unable to post content

    • Unable to interact with others

    • Account being banned

  2. Enhance account reputation: Warm Up can accumulate activity and interaction records, enhancing account reputation, which can gain more platform resources and permissions.

  3. Improve account user experience: Accounts with good reputation can enjoy a smoother user experience, such as:

    • Able to follow more users and brands

    • Able to post more content

    • Able to interact with more people

    • Account won't be banned

  4. Increase content exposure: Accounts with good reputation are more likely to be recommended by the platform, increasing content exposure and attracting more users to follow.

  5. Improve marketing effectiveness: Accounts with good reputation are more likely to engage in marketing promotions, such as:

    • Able to run paid advertising campaigns

    • Able to collaborate with brands

    • Able to gain more user trust

II. Steps of Warm Up

  1. Complete your profile: Fill out your complete profile, including your avatar, name, bio, contact information, etc., to make your account look more real and reliable.

  2. Follow relevant users and brands: Follow users and brands related to your interests, work field, or target users, such as:

    • Follow your friends and family

    • Follow your industry experts and opinion leaders

    • Follow your competitors

    • Follow your target user groups

  3. Post high-quality content: Post high-quality content related to your profile and interests, such as:

    • Photos

    • Videos

    • Texts

    • Live streams

  4. Interact with others: Interact with other users, such as:

    • Liking

    • Commenting

    • Replying

    • Sending private messages

  5. Participate in topics: Participate in trending topics related to your interests or work field, such as:

    • Using relevant topic hashtags

    • Posting related content

    • Participating in related discussions

  6. Use Instagram's built-in features: Use Instagram's built-in features, such as:

    • Live stream

    • Stories

    • Reels

    • Shopping features

  7. Maintain activity: Log in to Instagram regularly and engage in various activities to keep your account active and avoid being identified as a zombie account.

III. Tips for Warm Up

  1. Gradual process: Don't engage in too many activities at the beginning. Gradually increase the frequency of activities to avoid being identified as abnormal behavior by the platform.

  2. High-quality content: Post high-quality content, such as:

    • Original content

    • Valuable information

    • Attractive pictures and videos

    • Engaging text descriptions

    • Relevant topic hashtags

  3. Genuine interaction: Interact with other users genuinely and avoid using bots or scripts for automated operations.

  4. Avoid sensitive topics: Avoid posting sensitive topics, such as:

    • Politically sensitive topics

    • Religiously sensitive topics

    • Pornographic topics

    • Violent topics

  5. Adhere to platform rules: Comply with Instagram's terms of service and avoid violating rules, such as:

    • Sending spam

    • Malicious marketing

    • Copyright infringement

    • Privacy violation

  6. Use various interaction methods: Use various interaction methods, such as:

    • Liking

    • Commenting

    • Replying

    • Sending private messages

    • Live stream interaction

    • Story interaction

  7. Follow relevant accounts: Follow accounts related to your interests or work field, such as:

    • Follow your friends and family

    • Follow your industry experts and opinion leaders

    • Follow your competitors

    • Follow your target user groups

  8. Use relevant topic hashtags: Use trending topic hashtags related to your content, such as:

    • Use industry-related topic hashtags

    • Use trending topic hashtags

    • Use location-based topic hashtags

  9. Use Instagram ads: Use Instagram ads to promote your account and content, such as:

    • Run paid advertising campaigns

    • Use Instagram's ad management tools

  10. Collaborate with other users: Collaborate with other users, such as:

    • Joint promotion

    • Co-posting content

    • Mutual liking and commenting

IV. Time Period for Warm Up

The time period for Warm Up depends on your activity frequency and content quality. Generally, it takes at least 1-2 weeks to gain the platform's trust.

V. Tools and Resources for Warm Up

  1. Instagram official website: Instagram's official website provides detailed instructions and platform rules.

  2. Instagram community: Instagram community provides a wealth of learning resources and communication platforms, such as:

    • Instagram Chinese community

    • Instagram English community

  3. Third-party tools: Some third-party tools can help you with Warm Up, such as:

    • Instagram automation tools

    • Instagram data analysis tools

VI. Common Questions about Warm Up

  1. How to choose the right target users?

    • Determine your target user group, such as: age, gender, interests, occupation, etc.

    • Research your target user group, understand their behavior patterns, consumption habits, interests, etc.

    • Follow users and brands related to your target user group.

  2. How to post high-quality content?

    • Post original content, avoid plagiarism or theft.

    • Post content related to your profile and interests.

    • Use high-quality pictures and videos.

    • Use engaging text descriptions.

    • Use relevant topic hashtags.

  3. How to interact effectively?

    • Interact with other users genuinely and avoid using bots or scripts for automated operations.

    • Pay attention to other users' comments and private messages, reply promptly.

    • Participate in other users' live streams and stories.

  4. How to avoid being identified as a spam account by the platform?

    • Comply with Instagram's terms of service and avoid violating rules.

    • Post high-quality content and avoid posting spam.

    • Interact with other users genuinely and avoid using bots or scripts for automated operations.

    • Avoid posting sensitive topics.

  5. How to increase content exposure?

    • Use relevant topic hashtags.

    • Post high-quality content.

    • Interact effectively.

    • Use Instagram ads.

    • Collaborate with other users.

Warm Up is an essential step for newly registered Instagram accounts. It can help you avoid being identified as a spam account, enhance account reputation, improve account user experience, increase content exposure, and improve marketing effectiveness. By following the steps and tips above, you can effectively Warm Up your Instagram account, allowing it to grow quickly and achieve a better user experience.

Finally, remember that sincerity and respect are key to building good relationships. No matter what method you use, you should communicate with other users with sincerity and respect to achieve better communication results.

Here are some additional suggestions:

  • Use Instagram Insights: Instagram Insights provides detailed data about your account and content, such as:

    • Follower growth

    • Content engagement

    • Content exposure

    • Audience characteristics

  • Use Instagram Analytics tools: Some third-party tools can help you analyze your Instagram data, such as:

    • Later

    • Hootsuite

    • SproutSocial

  • Keep up with industry trends: Stay informed about the latest trends and changes on Instagram, such as:

    • New features

    • New algorithms

    • New platform rules

  • Continuously learn and improve: Continuously learn and improve your Warm Up strategy to achieve better results.

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用WhatsApp API去群发开发信和推广信息根本不可能!!

用WhatsApp API去群发开发信和推广信息根本不可能!!

目前在WhatsApp群发市场,最大的谎言肯定是WhatsApp Business API群发。这些服务商几乎就等同于骗子,他们的话术不外乎是:我们拿到了WhatsApp官方的Business API账号用API去群发消息不封号!拿到了免死金牌!!群发数量不限制!群发内容不限制,各种灰产擦边随便上!...

采集海量Facebook Instagram用户&红人 + 群发DM推广服务!

采集海量Facebook Instagram用户&红人 + 群发DM推广服务!


为什么粉丝数量是 Twitch 算法的最重要指标之一?如何建立起高转化的私域粉丝流量池?

为什么粉丝数量是 Twitch 算法的最重要指标之一?如何建立起高转化的私域粉丝流量池?

购买 Twitch 真人粉丝可以帮助您在平台上获得更多的曝光率和互动。当您拥有更多的粉丝时,您的直播内容将更有可能被其他人看到,您与观众的互动也会更频繁。所以,快速增加粉丝规模可以帮助您建立一个更强大的私域流量社区,并最终增加您的直播变现能力。购买 Twitch 真人粉丝之后,可以增加曝光率,当您拥...

IME:Telegram 的第三方客户端深度解析!集成 Telegram 社交、加密钱包和 DeFi 的智能平台的 Telegram 第三方客户端!

IME:Telegram 的第三方客户端深度解析!集成 Telegram 社交、加密钱包和 DeFi 的智能平台的 Telegram 第三方客户端!

IME 是一款功能强大的 Telegram 第三方客户端,它为用户提供了比官方客户端更加丰富的功能和定制选项,为用户提供更加个性化和高效的 Telegram 使用体验。本文将从多个角度深入解析 IME,帮助用户全面了解这款优秀的 Telegram 客户端。在其强大的功能中,很多出海人士对其多账号的登...



为什么新的 Instagram 帐户会立即被要求验证或封禁?作为一个流行的社交媒体平台,Instagram 已经实施了各种措施,以确保用户的安全和愉快体验。其中一个措施就是验证过程,旨在防止垃圾邮件和滥用平台。然而,许多新的 Instagram 帐户会立即被要求验证或封禁,留下用户感到沮丧和疑惑为什...

有什么方法和技术手段可以实现 Telegram 账号的批量注册?

有什么方法和技术手段可以实现 Telegram 账号的批量注册?

批量注册 Telegram 账号是为了提升推广效率、取代人工。通过使用工具和购买服务,无论是群发DM消息,还是强制拉飞机群,或者采集竞争对手的群成员和频道粉丝,都需要使用大量的飞机小号才能完成。而且,在运营中,随着飞机官方的风控越来越严格,小号被封禁随时发生,不断死号成为日常。所以,出海团队需要不停...