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我们提供采集 TikTok 达人资料、并批量发送 DM 站内信邀约合作推广的服务和工具。We Provide TikTok Creators Extract & Messaging Service.

邀约TikTok达人合作推广,是很多出海企业推广业务和实现新客获客的重要手段。除了在TikTok站内搜索达人,还可以通过TK小店自带的达人广场去主动联系达人。然而,TikTok的达人广场目前已经限制了每周可以主动邀约的人数。为了破解这个限制,很多出海企业被迫注册了多个小店,使用多账号去邀约达人合作。这样的作法成本太高,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|并不推荐。其实不用这么复杂,大可以使用我们自主开发的达人采集+群发工具,实现批量邀约达人、并给他们自动发动邀约合作的DM消息:我们提供在TikTok小店批量联系达人的工具和服务,We Provide Bulk Invite TikTok Creators Service and Software in Marketplace

TikTok Shop的创作者市场是否限制了主动联系创作者的数量?每周可以主动联系多少个达人?

是的,TikTok Shop的创作者市场确实限制了主动联系创作者的数量。这是为了防止垃圾信息泛滥、和确保创作者不被过多的请求所淹没。根据TikTok的官方指南,这些限制如下:

  • 每日限制: 50个创作者每天

  • 每周限制: 200个创作者每周

这意味着你每天只能发送最多50个请求给创作者,每周只能发送最多200个请求。如果你超出了这些限制,你的账户可能会被临时或永久地限制使用达人广场功能。另外重要的是,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|建议只联系与你的出海品牌和内容相关的创作者。你还应该确保你的推广信息是个性化的、清晰的,并尊重创作者的时间和内容。此外,TikTok的算法也可能基于以下因素来限制你联系创作者的能力:

  • 你账户的信誉和可靠性

  • 你之前的推广尝试的参与率和回应率

  • 你品牌和内容的相关性和质量


🤔 Yes, TikTok Shop's Creator Marketplace does have limitations on the number of creators you can proactively reach out to. This is to prevent spamming and ensure that creators are not overwhelmed with requests.

According to TikTok's official guidelines, the limitations are as follows:

  • Daily limit: 50 creators per day

  • Weekly limit: 200 creators per week

This means that you can only send a maximum of 50 requests to creators per day, and a maximum of 200 requests per week. If you exceed these limits, your account may be temporarily or permanently restricted from using the Creator Marketplace.

It's essential to respect these limits and only reach out to creators who are relevant to your brand and content. You should also ensure that your outreach messages are personalized, clear, and respectful of the creator's time and content.

Additionally, TikTok's algorithm may also limit your ability to reach out to creators based on factors such as:

  • Your account's reputation and credibility

  • The engagement and response rates of your previous outreach attempts

  • The relevance and quality of your content and brand

To maximize your chances of successfully collaborating with creators, focus on building a strong brand presence, creating high-quality content, and crafting personalized and respectful outreach messages.

TikTok Shop创作者广场:如何主动联系达人


TikTok Shop的创作者广场是一个平台,连接了品牌和热门TikTok创作者,谁拥有大量粉丝,并且对与品牌合作感兴趣。该平台帮助品牌发现、连接和与创作者合作,谁的价值观念和目标受众与品牌相符。



  1. 认证创作者:创作者广场仅收录了TikTok认证的创作者,确保他们拥有真实的粉丝群体,并且对与品牌合作感兴趣。

  2. 相关创作者:该平台允许您根据目标受众、niche和内容风格来筛选创作者,帮助您快速找到与品牌相关的创作者。

  3. 流畅的沟通:创作者广场提供了直接的站内信消息系统,允许您快速高效地与创作者联系,保证送达邀约。



  1. 登录TikTok Shop:通过出海品牌的TikTok账户访问TikTok Shop。

  2. 访问创作者广场:在TikTok Shop中点击“创作者广场”选项卡。

  3. 搜索创作者:使用搜索栏来找到与品牌价值观念、目标受众和内容风格相符的创作者。您可以根据niche、受众人口统计学和内容类型来筛选创作者。

  4. 查看创作者档案:浏览创作者档案,以了解更多关于他们的受众、参与率和内容风格。

  5. 发起联系:在创作者档案中点击“联系”按钮,以发送消息给他们。



  1. 防止垃圾信息和骚扰:如果允许创作者发送无限数量的信息,那么可能会导致垃圾信息、骚扰或不受欢迎的索取,这会使得收件人感到沮丧和恼火。通过限制信息数量,TikTok旨在减少这种行为的可能性。

  2. 维护社区安全:TikTok想确保创作者之间的互动是在安全和尊重的环境中进行的。通过控制信息的频率,平台可以减少过度骚扰或其他形式的在线伤害的风险。

  3. 鼓励有意义的互动:通过限制信息数量,TikTok鼓励创作者在互动中更加思索和有目的。这有助于培养更多有意义和参与的对话,而不是简单地向许多人发送信息。



  1. 临时或永久封禁:反复违反信息限制可能会导致临时或永久封禁创作者广场或整个TikTok平台。

  2. 账户限制:TikTok可能会限制你的账户的信息能力或限制你与其他创作者的互动。

  3. 警告或通知:你可能会收到TikTok的警告或通知,提醒你遵守平台的社区指南和信息限制。

TikTok's creator marketplace, also known as the "Creator Fund" or "Ad Revenue Sharing" program, has restrictions on the number of times creators can initiate contact with other creators through the in-app messaging system. This is done to prevent abuse and maintain a healthy and respectful community.

Why are there limits on initiating contact with creators?

  1. Preventing spam and harassment: Allowing creators to send unlimited messages can lead to spamming, harassment, or unwanted solicitations, which can be frustrating and annoying for recipients. By limiting the number of messages, TikTok aims to reduce the likelihood of such behaviors.

  2. Maintaining community safety: TikTok wants to ensure that creators can interact with each other in a safe and respectful environment. By controlling the frequency of messages, the platform can minimize the risk of cyberbullying, hate speech, or other forms of online harm.

  3. Encouraging meaningful interactions: By limiting the number of messages, TikTok encourages creators to be more thoughtful and intentional in their interactions. This helps to foster more meaningful and engaging conversations, rather than simply blasting out messages to a large number of people.

How many creators can you contact per week?

The exact number of creators you can contact per week through the in-app messaging system is not publicly disclosed by TikTok. However, it's likely that the limit is designed to ensure that creators are not overwhelming others with messages.

What are the consequences of exceeding the limit?

If you exceed the allowed number of messages, you may face penalties, such as:

  1. Temporary or permanent ban: Repeatedly violating the messaging limits can result in a temporary or permanent ban from the creator marketplace or even the entire TikTok platform.

  2. Account restrictions: TikTok may restrict your account's messaging capabilities or limit your ability to interact with other creators.

  3. Warning or notification: You may receive a warning or notification from TikTok, reminding you to comply with the platform's community guidelines and messaging limits.

Best practices for contacting creators on TikTok

To avoid exceeding the messaging limits and maintain a positive experience on TikTok, follow these best practices:

  1. Be respectful and considerate: Only reach out to creators who are relevant to your content or collaborations.

  2. Keep messages concise and clear: Make sure your messages are brief, well-written, and easy to understand.

  3. Avoid spamming or mass messaging: Refrain from sending identical messages to multiple creators or sending excessive messages to a single creator.

  4. Follow community guidelines: Always adhere to TikTok's community guidelines and terms of service when interacting with other creators.

By respecting these limits and guidelines, you can maintain a healthy and productive presence on TikTok's creator marketplace. 🌟

(1)我们提供批量注册TikTok账号的工具和服务,有怎样实现批量注册TK号的技术路径?            (2)我们提供 TikTok 批量发送 DM 私信的服务和工具,海外抖音批量发送消息的技术指南!            (3)我们提供批量采集 TikTok 达人资料的服务和工具,技术路径和示例代码。            (4)我们提供 TikTok 直播间挂铁做互动数据的服务和工具,提供点赞、评论、打赏,强拉 TK 直播间驻留市场和互动数据!            (5)我们提供 TikTok 在竞争对手评论区批量点赞的服务和工具  



  1. 尊重和考虑他人:仅与相关的创作者或合作伙伴联系。

  2. 保持信息简洁和清晰:确保你的信息简洁、易于理解和清晰。

  3. 避免垃圾信息或批量信息:避免发送相同的信息给多个创作者或向单个创作者发送过多的信息。

  4. 遵守社区指南:始终遵守TikTok的社区指南和服务条款,在与其他创作者互动时。


免责声明: 在我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|深入技术细节之前,请注意从 TikTok 批量采集创作者数据,包括联系方式,一定会违反海外抖音平台的服务条款、并可能导致账户暂停或封号甚至带来法律后果。此外,未经同意收集个人信息也可能违反隐私权利和相关法律。因此,以下是从 TikTok 批量采集创作者数据,包括联系方式的技术路线仅供学习和讨论目的,不得用于任何非法用途:


  1. TikTok API: 使用 TikTok API 获取创作者数据。您可以注册开发者账户并获取 API 密钥。TikTok API 提供了获取创作者信息的端点,包括他们的个人资料、简介和联系方式。

  2. 网页爬虫: 使用网页爬虫技术从 TikTok 的 Web 平台提取创作者数据。您可以使用像 BeautifulSoup 或 Scrapy 这样的库来解析 HTML 并提取数据。

  3. 浏览器自动化: 使用浏览器自动化工具像 Selenium 或 Puppeteer 来模拟用户交互并从 TikTok 的 Web 平台提取数据。


方法 1:使用 TikTok API


方法 2:网页爬虫


方法 3:浏览器自动化


请注意,这些示例仅供参考,您应该确保遵守 TikTok 的服务条款和尊重创作者的隐私权利时收集数据。

Disclaimer: Before we dive into the technical details, please note that scraping or collecting data from TikTok without permission is against their Terms of Service and may result in account suspension or legal consequences. Additionally, collecting personal information without consent is a violation of privacy and may be illegal.

That being said, if you have obtained the necessary permissions and consent from the creators, here's a technical outline on how to bulk collect creator data, including contact information, from TikTok:

Technical Route:

  1. TikTok API: Use the TikTok API to fetch creator data. You can register for a developer account and obtain an API key. The TikTok API provides endpoints for fetching creator information, including their profile, bio, and contact information.

  2. Web Scraping: Use web scraping techniques to extract creator data from TikTok's web platform. You can use libraries like BeautifulSoup or Scrapy to parse HTML and extract data.

  3. Browser Automation: Use browser automation tools like Selenium or Puppeteer to simulate user interactions and extract data from TikTok's web platform.

Example Code (Python):

Method 1: Using TikTok API

import requests# Replace with your API keyapi_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"# Set the endpoint and parametersendpoint = "https://api.tiktok.com/creator/info"params = {    "creator_id": "1234567890",  # Replace with the creator ID    "fields": "profile, bio, contact_info"}# Set the API key in the headersheaders = {    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"}# Make the API requestresponse = requests.get(endpoint, params=params, headers=headers)# Parse the response JSONdata = response.json()# Extract the contact informationcontact_info = data["creator"]["contact_info"]print(contact_info)

Method 2: Web Scraping

import requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup# Set the URL and headersurl = "https://www.tiktok.com/@username"  # Replace with the creator's usernameheaders = {    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3"}# Make the request and get the HTML responseresponse = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
html = response.text# Parse the HTML using BeautifulSoupsoup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")# Extract the contact informationcontact_info = soup.find("div", {"class": "contact-info"}).text.strip()print(contact_info)

Method 3: Browser Automation

from selenium import webdriver# Set the URL and browser optionsurl = "https://www.tiktok.com/@username"  # Replace with the creator's usernameoptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions()options.add_argument("--headless")# Create the browser instancebrowser = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)# Navigate to the URLbrowser.get(url)# Extract the contact informationcontact_info = browser.find_element_by_css_selector("div.contact-info").textprint(contact_info)# Close the browser instancebrowser.quit()

Please note that these examples are for illustration purposes only, and you should ensure that you comply with TikTok's Terms of Service and respect creators' privacy when collecting data.

 (6)我们提供TikTok红人数据洞察工具和服务助力找寻高性价比红人合作,We Provide TikTok Influencer Insight Tools.            (7)我们出售已过实名认证的TikTok达人账号,We sell CRP Enabled TikTok Account!创作者收益具体如何计算?            (8)我们提供在 TikTok 直播间批量自动评论的服务和工具, We provide TikTok live bot and service!            (9)我们提供TikTok红人推广灰产出海业务,We Provide TikTok Influencers Evaluate Software to Promote. 高效找寻并评估达人的工具。



  1. 电子邮件:如果创作者在TikTok档案或网站上分享了他们的电子邮件地址,您可以直接通过电子邮件联系他们。

  2. WhatsApp:许多创作者在TikTok档案或网站上列出了他们的WhatsApp号码,允许您通过WhatsApp联系他们。

  3. Instagram Direct:如果创作者在Instagram上活跃,您可以尝试通过Instagram Direct联系他们。

  4. Twitter Direct:同样,如果创作者在Twitter上活跃,您可以尝试通过Twitter Direct联系他们。

  5. 红人营销平台:您可以使用红人营销平台,如AspireIQ、Upfluence或HYPR来发现和联系创作者。

  6. 创作者的网站或博客:如果创作者拥有网站或博客,您可以尝试通过他们的联系表单或网站上的电子邮件地址联系他们。



  1. 个性化您的信息:使用创作者的名字,并确保您的信息是针对他们的内容和受众的。

  2. 明确和简洁:清楚地陈述您的合作提议,包括目标、要求和利益。

  3. 显示尊重和专业精神:与创作者保持尊重和专业精神的关系,就像您与任何业务伙伴一样。

  4. 礼貌地跟进:如果您没有收到回应,请礼貌地发送一条简洁的信息,以询问他们的兴趣。

通过遵循这些步骤和提示,您可以有效地通过TikTok Shop的创作者广场和替代渠道联系创作者,增加您成功合作的可能性。

I'm happy to provide a detailed explanation on how to contact creators through TikTok Shop's Creator Marketplace, as well as alternative channels beyond email and WhatsApp. 📲

Creator Marketplace: A Brief Introduction

TikTok Shop's Creator Marketplace is a platform that connects brands with popular TikTok creators who have a large following and are interested in collaborating with brands. The marketplace allows brands to discover, connect, and collaborate with creators who align with their brand values and target audience.

Why Contact Creators through Creator Marketplace?

Contacting creators through the Creator Marketplace offers several benefits:

  1. Verified Creators: The Creator Marketplace only features verified creators who have been vetted by TikTok, ensuring that they have a genuine following and are interested in collaborating with brands.

  2. Relevant Creators: The platform allows you to filter creators based on your target audience, niche, and content style, making it easier to find relevant creators for your brand.

  3. Streamlined Communication: The Creator Marketplace provides a direct messaging system, allowing you to connect with creators quickly and efficiently.

How to Contact Creators through Creator Marketplace

To contact creators through the Creator Marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to TikTok Shop: Access TikTok Shop through your brand's TikTok account.

  2. Access Creator Marketplace: Click on the "Creator Marketplace" tab within TikTok Shop.

  3. Search for Creators: Use the search bar to find creators who align with your brand values, target audience, and content style. You can filter creators by niche, audience demographics, and content type.

  4. View Creator Profiles: Browse through creator profiles to learn more about their audience, engagement rates, and content style.

  5. Initiate Contact: Click on the "Contact" button on a creator's profile to send them a message.

Alternative Channels to Contact Creators

While the Creator Marketplace provides a convenient way to contact creators, you may also want to explore alternative channels to reach out to them. Here are a few options:

  1. Email: If a creator has shared their email address on their TikTok profile or website, you can reach out to them directly via email.

  2. WhatsApp: Many creators list their WhatsApp number on their TikTok profile or website, allowing you to contact them through the messaging app.

  3. Instagram Direct: If a creator is active on Instagram, you can try contacting them through Instagram Direct.

  4. Twitter Direct: Similarly, if a creator is active on Twitter, you can try contacting them through Twitter Direct.

  5. Influencer Marketing Platforms: You can also use influencer marketing platforms like AspireIQ, Upfluence, or HYPR to discover and contact creators.

  6. Creator's Website or Blog: If a creator has a website or blog, you can try contacting them through their contact form or email address listed on their website.

Tips for Contacting Creators

When contacting creators, remember to:

  1. Personalize Your Message: Address the creator by name and make sure your message is personalized and relevant to their content and audience.

  2. Be Clear and Concise: Clearly state your collaboration proposal, including the objectives, requirements, and benefits.

  3. Show Respect and Professionalism: Treat creators with respect and professionalism, just as you would with any business partner.

  4. Follow Up Politely: If you don't receive a response, follow up with a polite and brief message to inquire about their interest.

通过以上讲解,相信你已经明了了使用我们自主开发的达人采集+群发工具,实现批量邀约达人、并给他们自动发动邀约合作DM消息的技术原理:我们提供在TikTok小店批量联系达人的工具和服务,We Provide Bulk Invite TikTok Creators Service and Software in Marketplace

By following these steps and tips, you can effectively contact creators through TikTok Shop's Creator Marketplace and alternative channels, increasing your chances of successful collaborations. 📈

如何联系此量采集、用户分析和群发触达服务商:如需采集海量的TikTok, Instagram, Facebook等平台用户和红人资料,并群发DM推广信息或者红人合作邀约,可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/NomieEd;如需Telegram, WhatsApp, 及全网和17个主流SNS社媒平台海量采集工具、及强制拉群、群发DM服务,可加此软件开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/theoglo (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, includingCHINA!

“我们提供采集 TikTok 达人资料、并批量发送 DM 站内信邀约合作推广的服务和工具。We Provide TikTok Creators Extract & Messaging Service.” 的相关文章



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我们提供飞机频道上榜服务,如何玩转 Telegram Channel 频道排名快速上升从而获取更多的自然流量推送?

我们提供飞机频道上榜服务,如何玩转 Telegram Channel 频道排名快速上升从而获取更多的自然流量推送?

Telegram频道排名对频道的推送可见性、曝光和影响力至关重要。高排名可以增加流量、提高参与度和带来更多的 Channel 订阅者。Telegram频道排名是指频道在Telegram搜索结果或频道列表中的位置。排名是由算法确定的,考虑了各种因素,包括频道的内容质量、人气、参与度和相关性。我们|飞机...

我们提供 TikTok 批量发送 DM 私信的服务和工具,海外抖音批量发送消息的技术指南!

我们提供 TikTok 批量发送 DM 私信的服务和工具,海外抖音批量发送消息的技术指南!

我们提供 TikTok 批量发送 DM 私信的服务和工具,可以发送超链、名片、图片、视频、文本,日发百万 DM 消息易如反掌!什么是 TikTok DM 群发?TikTok DM(直接消息)批量发送是指同时向多个用户发送多条直接消息的推广行为。这项功能帮助出海业务、营销人员和开发者同时向大量海外抖音...