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我们提供Telegram 群监听工具和自动回复机器人开发服务:工具、API 机器人开发 + 逆向工程实现

很多出海企业都在 Telegram 群营销发力,除了采集竞争对手群成员,然后给他们群发私信,还有更多的是强制拉人到自建的飞机群,实现超群营销。一旦大量建群,且每个 Telegram group 的群成员人数众多,就给出海运营人员带来巨大的挑战:如何管理、互动、并积极回应大量的群成员消息,踢出机器人群成员、进群滥发广告的垃圾账号,工作量巨大。这时,你只能借助飞机群监听工具和机器人去实现管理和互动。记住:针对你的群和关键词,定制一个 Telegram 飞机群监控机器人才能满足个性化的管理和推广需求,从而满足飞机自动营销工具的需要:(1)Telegram Nearby附近人批量自动营销工具;             (2)Telegram自动群发工具;             (3)Telegram批量注册账号工具;            (4)TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具

Telegram 群聊监听是指 Telegram 机器人或第三方应用程序,用于监控和分析特定 Telegram 群聊中的消息发送情况。这可以通过 Telegram API 或使用逆向工程技术来拦截和解密群聊消息实现。使用 Telegram 群聊监听,您可以实现众多功能:消息记录:存储和分析群聊中的消息,包括文本、图像、视频和其他媒体。关键词检测:识别群聊中的特定关键词或短语,触发预定义的操作或发送警报。情感分析:分析群聊中的情感基调和 sentiment,允许您了解群聊的总体情感或意见。用户行为分析:跟踪用户活动,例如消息频率、参与度和交互模式,了解群聊动态和用户行为。警报和通知系统:根据特定事件或条件设置自定义警报或通知,例如新的消息、提及或关键词。内容审核:监控和审核群聊内容,允许您删除或标记不 appropriate 消息、图像或视频。群聊分析:生成群聊活动的 insights 和报告,包括消息量、参与率和用户参与度。自动响应:响应群聊中的常见查询或消息,释放管理员的时间和改善用户体验。与其他服务集成:将 Telegram 群聊监听与其他服务集成,例如 CRM 系统、市场自动化工具或客户支持平台。自定义工作流和自动化:创建基于群聊活动的自定义工作流和自动化规则,提高效率和流程自动化。

Telegram 群聊监听的一些常见应用场景包括:客户支持:在支持群聊中监控和响应客户查询和关注。市场研究:分析群聊中的对话以收集市场趋势、客户意见和竞争对手活动的信息。社交媒体监控:跟踪 Telegram 群聊中的品牌提及、hashtag 和关键词,以Stay on top of 社交媒体对话。社区管理:监控和分析群聊中的对话以确保良好的社区体验。竞争情报:监控竞争对手的群聊以收集他们的策略、产品和客户互动信息。

请注意,Telegram 群聊监听可能受 Telegram 的服务条款和隐私政策的约束。在实施任何群聊监听功能之前,请务必查看和遵守这些规定。

Telegram Group Listen refers to the ability of a Telegram bot or a third-party application to monitor and analyze messages sent within a specific Telegram group. This can be achieved through the Telegram API or by using reverse-engineering techniques to intercept and decrypt group chat messages.

With Telegram Group Listen, you can implement various functionalities, such as:

  1. Message logging: Store and analyze messages sent within the group, including text, images, videos, and other media.

  2. Keyword detection: Identify specific keywords or phrases within group messages, allowing you to trigger actions or send alerts based on predefined criteria.

  3. Sentiment analysis: Analyze the emotional tone and sentiment of group messages, enabling you to gauge the overall mood or opinion of the group.

  4. User behavior analysis: Track user activity, such as message frequency, engagement, and interaction patterns, to gain insights into group dynamics and user behavior.

  5. Alert and notification systems: Set up custom alerts or notifications based on specific events or conditions within the group, such as new messages, mentions, or keywords.

  6. Content moderation: Monitor and moderate group content, allowing you to remove or flag inappropriate messages, images, or videos.

  7. Group analytics: Generate insights and reports on group activity, including message volume, engagement rates, and user participation.

  8. Automated responses: Respond to common queries or messages within the group, freeing up administrators' time and improving user experience.

  9. Integration with other services: Integrate Telegram Group Listen with other services, such as CRM systems, marketing automation tools, or customer support platforms.

  10. Custom workflows and automation: Create custom workflows and automation rules based on group activity, enabling you to streamline processes and improve efficiency.

Some common use cases for Telegram Group Listen include:

  1. Customer support: Monitor and respond to customer inquiries and concerns within a support group.

  2. Market research: Analyze group conversations to gather insights on market trends, customer opinions, and competitor activity.

  3. Social media monitoring: Track brand mentions, hashtags, and keywords within Telegram groups to stay on top of social media conversations.

  4. Community management: Moderate and analyze group conversations to ensure a positive and engaging community experience.

  5. Competitive intelligence: Monitor competitors' groups to gather insights on their strategies, products, and customer interactions.

Keep in mind that Telegram Group Listen may be subject to Telegram's terms of service and privacy policies. Be sure to review and comply with these regulations before implementing any group listening functionality.

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Telegram 群聊监听工具的工作原理和技术实现是:

Telegram API 方法

  1. 机器人创建:工具创建一个 Telegram 机器人通过与 Telegram BotFather 机器人对话。

  2. API 令牌:工具从 Telegram 获取 API 令牌,以便对 API 请求进行身份验证。

  3. Webhook 设置:工具设置一个 Webhook,以便在 Telegram 中接收新的消息更新。

  4. 消息处理:当新的消息被接收时,工具处理消息内容,提取相关信息,并执行所需的操作(例如,保存消息到数据库,触发警报等)。


  1. 协议反向工程:工具使用反向工程技术来理解 Telegram 协议,包括加密和解密机制。

  2. 网络流量分析:工具捕获和分析 Telegram 客户端和 Telegram 服务器之间的网络流量,以提取消息数据。

  3. 消息解密:工具使用反向工程的加密密钥来解密截获的消息数据。

  4. 消息分析:工具分析解密后的消息内容,提取相关信息,并执行所需的操作。


Telegram 群聊监听工具可以使用各种编程语言和框架来构建,例如:

  1. Python:使用 python-telegram-bot、Telethon 或 pyTelegramBotAPI 库来与 Telegram API 交互。

  2. Node.js:使用 node-telegram-bot-api 或 telegram-bot-sdk 库来与 Telegram API 交互。

  3. Java:使用 java-telegram-bot-api 或 telegram-bot-sdk-java 库来与 Telegram API 交互。


  1. API 请求处理:处理 Telegram 服务器的 API 请求和响应。

  2. 消息解析:解析接收到的消息数据以提取相关信息(例如,消息文本、发送者 ID、时间戳等)。

  3. 数据存储:将解析后的消息数据存储在数据库或数据存储系统中,以便进一步分析或处理。

  4. 警报和通知系统:实施警报和通知系统,以便在特定事件或条件下通知用户(例如,关键字检测、情感分析等)。


  1. API 限速:Telegram 对 API 请求实施限速,以防止滥用和资源过度使用。

  2. 加密和解密:反向工程 Telegram 协议和解密消息数据可能很复杂和具有挑战性。

  3. 数据隐私和安全:Telegram 群聊监听工具可能会引发关于数据隐私和安全的担忧,因为它们可以潜在地访问和分析敏感用户数据。

请注意,一些 Telegram 群聊监听工具可能会违反 Telegram 的服务条款或隐私政策。确保任何工具或实现符合适用的法律、法规和伦理标准非常重要。

Telegram group listening tools typically work by using the Telegram API or reverse-engineering the Telegram protocol to intercept and analyze group chat messages. Here's a high-level overview of the working principle and technical implementation of Telegram group listening tools:

Telegram API Method

  1. Bot Creation: The tool creates a Telegram bot by talking to the Telegram BotFather bot.

  2. API Token: The tool obtains an API token from Telegram, which is used to authenticate API requests.

  3. Webhook Setup: The tool sets up a webhook to receive updates from Telegram whenever a new message is sent to the group.

  4. Message Processing: When a new message is received, the tool processes the message content, extracts relevant information, and performs the desired action (e.g., saves the message to a database, triggers an alert, etc.).

Reverse-Engineering Method

  1. Protocol Reverse-Engineering: The tool uses reverse-engineering techniques to understand the Telegram protocol, including the encryption and decryption mechanisms.

  2. Network Traffic Analysis: The tool captures and analyzes network traffic between the Telegram client and the Telegram servers to extract message data.

  3. Message Decryption: The tool decrypts the intercepted message data using the reverse-engineered encryption keys.

  4. Message Analysis: The tool analyzes the decrypted message content, extracts relevant information, and performs the desired action.

Technical Implementation

Telegram group listening tools can be built using various programming languages and frameworks, such as:

  1. Python: Using libraries like python-telegram-bot, Telethon, or pyTelegramBotAPI to interact with the Telegram API.

  2. Node.js: Using libraries like node-telegram-bot-api or telegram-bot-sdk to interact with the Telegram API.

  3. Java: Using libraries like java-telegram-bot-api or telegram-bot-sdk-java to interact with the Telegram API.

The technical implementation involves:

  1. API Request Handling: Handling API requests and responses to and from the Telegram servers.

  2. Message Parsing: Parsing the received message data to extract relevant information (e.g., message text, sender ID, timestamp, etc.).

  3. Data Storage: Storing the parsed message data in a database or data storage system for further analysis or processing.

  4. Alert and Notification Systems: Implementing alert and notification systems to notify users of specific events or conditions (e.g., keyword detection, sentiment analysis, etc.).

Challenges and Limitations

  1. API Rate Limiting: Telegram imposes rate limits on API requests to prevent abuse and excessive resource usage.

  2. Encryption and Decryption: Reverse-engineering the Telegram protocol and decrypting message data can be complex and challenging.

  3. Data Privacy and Security: Telegram group listening tools may raise concerns about data privacy and security, as they can potentially access and analyze sensitive user data.

Please note that some Telegram group listening tools may violate Telegram's terms of service or privacy policies. It's essential to ensure that any tool or implementation complies with applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards.

 (1)从指定飞机群采集竞争对手群成员、并强拉到自建Telegram群和频道的服务;           (2)Telegram群发DM私信服务,可5万条起尝试效果!;      (3)为Telegram飞机群和频道快速海量加粉服务:采集粉、真人粉、活跃粉、僵尸粉;      (4)LinkedIn, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Discord群发代发DM私信服务,日发500万条营销私信不是梦!

以下是一些 Telegram 群聊监听工具的示例,取决于您的特定需求和要求:

  1. Telegram 机器人 API:Telegram 提供了一个机器人 API,允许开发者创建机器人来监听群聊对话并响应消息。您可以使用这个 API 创建一个自定义的机器人来监听特定的群聊并执行基于收到的消息的操作。

  2. Telegram 命令行界面:Telegram 命令行界面是一个命令行工具,允许您从命令行与 Telegram 交互。您可以使用它来监听群聊对话并执行基于收到的消息的操作。

  3. python-telegram-bot:python-telegram-bot 是一个 Python 库,提供了一个简单易用的界面来创建 Telegram 机器人。您可以使用它来创建一个机器人来监听群聊对话并响应消息。

  4. Telethon:Telethon 是一个 Python 库,提供了一个低级别的界面来与 Telegram 交互。您可以使用它来创建一个自定义的客户端来监听群聊对话并执行基于收到的消息的操作。

  5. TG Listener:TG Listener 是一个第三方工具,允许您监听 Telegram 群聊对话并执行基于收到的消息的操作。它提供了一个简单易用的界面来设置监听规则和操作。

一些流行的 Telegram 群聊监听工具包括:

  1. TG 分析器:TG 分析器是一个工具,提供了关于 Telegram 群聊的详细分析和见解。它允许您追踪群聊活动、成员参与度和消息 sentiment。

  2. Telegram 群聊分析器:Telegram 群聊分析器是一个工具,提供了关于 Telegram 群聊的见解和分析。它允许您追踪群聊活动、成员参与度和消息 sentiment。

  3. TG 监控:TG 监控是一个工具,允许您实时监控 Telegram 群聊并追踪活动。它提供了诸如关键词跟踪、成员跟踪和消息分析等功能。


There are several Telegram group listening tools available, depending on your specific needs and requirements. Here are a few examples:

  1. Telegram Bot API: Telegram provides a Bot API that allows developers to create bots that can listen to group conversations and respond to messages. You can use this API to create a custom bot that listens to a specific group and performs actions based on the messages received.

  2. Telegram CLI: Telegram CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to interact with Telegram from the command line. You can use it to listen to group conversations and perform actions based on the messages received.

  3. python-telegram-bot: python-telegram-bot is a Python library that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for creating Telegram bots. You can use it to create a bot that listens to a group conversation and responds to messages.

  4. Telethon: Telethon is a Python library that provides a low-level interface for interacting with Telegram. You can use it to create a custom client that listens to group conversations and performs actions based on the messages received.

  5. TG Listener: TG Listener is a third-party tool that allows you to listen to Telegram group conversations and perform actions based on the messages received. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for setting up listening rules and actions.

Some popular Telegram group listening tools include:

  1. TG Analyzer: TG Analyzer is a tool that provides detailed analytics and insights about Telegram groups. It allows you to track group activity, member engagement, and message sentiment.

  2. Telegram Group Analyzer: Telegram Group Analyzer is a tool that provides insights and analytics about Telegram groups. It allows you to track group activity, member engagement, and message sentiment.

  3. TG Monitor: TG Monitor is a tool that allows you to monitor Telegram groups and track activity in real-time. It provides features such as keyword tracking, member tracking, and message analytics.

Please note that some of these tools may require permission from the group administrators to access the group conversation, and some may have limitations or restrictions on their usage.

(1)出售Instagram账号;群发用的协议号、小白号、全参号;精聊用的稳定老号一网打尽!            (2)大量出售飞机直登号, 各个国家都有欢迎批发!Telegram Tdata | Session + Json Accounts Wholesale!!           (3)1500万个真人飞机号,从博彩数字货币等飞机群采集到的活跃账号,可强制拉入你的自建Telegram群和频道! d            (5)定制 WhatsApp 协议号:除了 Hash 和 Channel 格式,还有哪些格式的 WhatsApp 协议号?            (6)出售WhatsApp 协议号(频道 Channel 账号格式)!             (7)出售WS协议号(Hash格式)!WhatsApp 协议号格式是怎样的?如何实现 WhatsApp 哈希协议号的登录?            (8) WhatsApp 协议号:除了 Hash 和 Channel 格式,还有哪些格式的 WhatsApp 协议号可以定制?

这里是一些使用 python-telegram-bot 库创建 Telegram 机器人来监听群聊对话并响应消息的示例代码:


这个代码创建了一个 Telegram 机器人,它响应 /start 命令并回显任何发送给它的文本消息。

要使用这个代码,您需要将 YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN 替换为您的 Telegram 机器人的 API 令牌,您可以通过与 BotFather 机器人对话来获取该令牌。

要监听特定的群聊对话,您需要修改代码以使用 telegram.ext.MessageHandler 类带有 Filters.chat 过滤器来指定要监听的群聊 ID。例如:


将 CHAT_ID 替换为要监听的群聊的实际 ID。


此外,请注意 Telegram 有关于机器人和群聊对话的规则和条款,请在构建和部署您的机器人之前查看这些规则。

关于逆向工程方法,在此我们并不方便提供示例代码,因为这违反了 Telegram 的服务条款和可能在某些司法管辖区内是非法的。如果需要了解更多代码,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej

Here is some sample code in Python using the python-telegram-bot library to create a Telegram bot that listens to a group conversation and responds to messages:


This code creates a Telegram bot that responds to the /start command and echoes back any text messages sent to it.

To use this code, you'll need to replace YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN with the API token for your Telegram bot, which you can obtain by talking to the BotFather bot in Telegram.

To listen to a specific group conversation, you'll need to modify the code to use the telegram.ext.MessageHandler class with the Filters.chat filter to specify the chat ID of the group you want to listen to. For example:


Replace CHAT_ID with the actual chat ID of the group you want to listen to.

Please note that this is just a simple example, and you'll likely want to add more functionality to your bot, such as handling different types of messages (e.g. images, videos, etc.) and implementing more advanced logic for responding to messages.

Also, keep in mind that Telegram has rules and regulations around bots and group conversations, so be sure to review those before building and deploying your bot.

As for the reverse-engineering method, I cannot provide code for that as it is against Telegram's terms of service and may be illegal in some jurisdictions.

如何联系此Telegram工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发DM私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人或服务,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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在打造888虚拟号码中,Fragment,Ton,和Telegram分别发挥了什么作用?为什么Telegram 888账号已经成为出海业务的刚需?

虚拟号码的兴起彻底改变了Telegram平台上的通信方式,为用户提供了前所未有的灵活度、隐私和可访问性。在过去的一年中,大量的出海团队已经将通过888虚拟号码注册的Telegram账号作为主力账号。那么,为什么配置一个或者多个888飞机号成为出海业务、特别是灰产人群的刚需呢?本文深入探讨了 Frag...

如何使用888虚拟号码注册Telegram账号, 匿名助力灰产出海业务的客户开发?

如何使用888虚拟号码注册Telegram账号, 匿名助力灰产出海业务的客户开发?


有什么方法和技术手段可以实现 Telegram 账号的批量注册?

有什么方法和技术手段可以实现 Telegram 账号的批量注册?

批量注册 Telegram 账号是为了提升推广效率、取代人工。通过使用工具和购买服务,无论是群发DM消息,还是强制拉飞机群,或者采集竞争对手的群成员和频道粉丝,都需要使用大量的飞机小号才能完成。而且,在运营中,随着飞机官方的风控越来越严格,小号被封禁随时发生,不断死号成为日常。所以,出海团队需要不停...

Telegram Bot API 介绍,飞机机器人的开发步骤,及如何助力出海业务?

Telegram Bot API 介绍,飞机机器人的开发步骤,及如何助力出海业务?

Telegram Bot API 是一个强大的飞机工具,帮助开发者创建自动化的 Telegram 机器人,以便与用户交互、执行任务、提供服务等。该 API 由 Telegram 官方提供,提供了一个简洁的、易于使用的接口,用于创建机器人。而Telegram Bot API 是一个强大的工具,允许...

我们提供飞机群和频道克隆的服务和强拉群工具,将竞争对手的 Telegram 群成员全部强制拉到自建的飞机群!

我们提供飞机群和频道克隆的服务和强拉群工具,将竞争对手的 Telegram 群成员全部强制拉到自建的飞机群!

我们已经提供了飞机强拉群的工具: (4)TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具;从竞争对手采集他们的群成员,并通过强制邀请到自建飞机群,是玩转 Telegram 营销的重要手段之一,也是建设出海项目飞机私域流量的最快捷方法: (5)我们提供Telegram 群监听工具和自动回复机器...