为什么收集竞争对手的 Telegram 群组成员,然后将他们添加到自己的群组,这是一种重要的营销策略,也是用于在海外市场中获取客户的捷径呢?
通过分析竞争对手的群组,你可以获得有价值的市场推广线索,竞争对手的营销策略、客户参与度和痛点。这可以帮助你改进自己的营销方法。而且竞争对手的群组成员很可能对类似的产品或服务感兴趣,使他们成为你营销努力的目标受众。相比传统的客户获取方法,如广告或内容营销,收集竞争对手的群组成员是一种成本-effective 的方式来获取潜在客户。使用正确的工具TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具和策略,你可以收集和添加数千名成员到你的群组,使其成为一种可扩展的客户获取方法。那么应该怎样找到并精准采集竞争对手的飞机群成员呢?
首先需要研究并确定你在海外市场中的主要竞争对手。我们可以使用 TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具或从指定飞机群采集竞争对手群成员、并强拉到自建Telegram群和频道的服务来收集竞争对手的群组成员。然后根据人口统计学、兴趣爱好或参与度等标准对收集的成员进行过滤和细分,以创建目标群组。同时开发一个内容策略,使其与目标受众产生共鸣,并鼓励他们与你的品牌互动。最后,记住需要不间断的个性化与群组成员的交流,并通过客户旅程来转化他们。记住,收集竞争对手的群组成员可以是一种有效的营销策略,但重要的是以一种尊重用户隐私和提供价值的方式来执行。 🙏
(2)Telegram群发DM私信服务,可5万条起尝试效果!; (3)为Telegram飞机群和频道快速海量加粉服务:采集粉、真人粉、活跃粉、僵尸粉; (4)LinkedIn, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Discord群发代发DM私信服务,日发500万条营销私信不是梦!
Why collecting competitors' Telegram group members and then adding them to your own group is an important marketing tactic for customer acquisition in the overseas market.
Here's my take:
Why it's a popular tactic:
Competition analysis: By analyzing your competitors' groups, you can gain valuable insights into their marketing strategies, customer engagement, and pain points. This can help you refine your own marketing approach.
Targeted audience: Competitors' group members are likely to be interested in similar products or services, making them a targeted audience for your own marketing efforts.
Cost-effective: Compared to traditional customer acquisition methods, such as advertising or content marketing, collecting competitors' group members can be a cost-effective way to reach potential customers.
Scalability: With the right tools and strategies, you can collect and add thousands of members to your group, making it a scalable approach to customer acquisition.
How to do it effectively:
Identify target competitors: Research and identify your main competitors in the overseas market.
Use Telegram scraping tools: Utilize Telegram scraping tools or services to collect members from your competitors' groups. Be cautious of Telegram's terms of service and ensure you're not violating them.
Filter and segment: Filter and segment the collected members based on demographics, interests, or engagement levels to create targeted groups.
Create engaging content: Develop a content strategy that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to engage with your brand.
Personalize and nurture: Personalize your communication with group members and nurture them through the customer journey to conversion.
Ethical considerations:
Respect users' privacy: Ensure you're not violating users' privacy or Telegram's terms of service when collecting and adding members to your group.
Provide value: Make sure you're providing value to the members you're adding to your group, rather than simply spamming them with promotional content.
Comply with regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations and ensure you're complying with them when collecting and using user data.
Remember, while collecting competitors' group members can be an effective marketing tactic, it's essential to do so in a way that respects users' privacy and provides value to them. 🙏
(1)Telegram Nearby附近人批量自动营销工具; (2)Telegram自动群发工具; (3)Telegram批量注册账号工具; (4)TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具。
第一步:收集竞争对手的群组 ID
使用 Telegram 抓取工具或服务来收集竞争对手的群组 ID。你也可以使用 Telegram 的 API 来获取群组 ID。
将收集的群组 ID 存储在数据库或文件中,以便后续使用。
使用 Telegram 抓取工具或服务来从竞争对手的群组中提取成员。你可以使用 APIs,如 Telegram 的 API 或第三方 APIs,如 Telethon 或 python-telegram-bot。
使用 Telegram 机器人或脚本来邀请过滤和细分的成员加入自己的群组。
你可以使用 APIs,如 Telegram 的 API 或第三方 APIs,如 Telethon 或 python-telegram-bot,来发送邀请给成员。
Telegram 抓取工具或服务(例如 Telethon、python-telegram-bot)
Telegram API 或第三方 API(例如 Telethon、python-telegram-bot)
过滤和细分工具或服务(例如 Google Sheets、Excel)
Telegram 机器人或脚本(例如 Python、Node.js)
数据库或文件存储(例如 MySQL、MongoDB、CSV)
Telethon:一个 Python 库,用于 Telegram API
python-telegram-bot:一个 Python 库,用于 Telegram API
Google Sheets:一个电子表格工具,用于过滤和细分
MongoDB:一个 NoSQL 数据库管理系统,用于存储提取的成员
注意:这个脚本只是一个示例,你应该根据你的需求和 Telegram 的 API 服务条款修改它。
(1)出售Instagram账号;群发用的协议号、小白号、全参号;精聊用的稳定老号一网打尽! (2)大量出售飞机直登号, 各个国家都有欢迎批发!Telegram Tdata | Session + Json Accounts Wholesale!! (3)1500万个真人飞机号,从博彩数字货币等飞机群采集到的活跃账号,可强制拉入你的自建Telegram群和频道! (5)定制 WhatsApp 协议号:除了 Hash 和 Channel 格式,还有哪些格式的 WhatsApp 协议号? (6)出售WhatsApp 协议号(频道 Channel 账号格式)! (7)出售WS协议号(Hash格式)!WhatsApp 协议号格式是怎样的?如何实现 WhatsApp 哈希协议号的登录? (8) WhatsApp 协议号:除了 Hash 和 Channel 格式,还有哪些格式的 WhatsApp 协议号可以定制? (9)Telegram批量注册出来的协议号有哪些格式可供选择? (10)出售 Instagram 协议号!支持安卓端和网页端批量登录格式定制! (11)用于发送 Telegram DM 的飞机协议、即协议小号有哪些格式?
Here is a technical proposal for extracting competitors' Telegram group members and inviting them to your own group:
Step 1: Collect Competitors' Group IDs
Use a Telegram scraper tool or service to collect group IDs of your competitors. You can also use Telegram's API to fetch group IDs.
Store the collected group IDs in a database or a file for later use.
Step 2: Extract Members from Competitors' Groups
Use a Telegram scraper tool or service to extract members from the competitors' groups. You can use APIs like Telegram's API or third-party APIs like Telethon or python-telegram-bot.
Store the extracted members in a database or a file for later use.
Step 3: Filter and Segment Members
Use a filtering and segmentation tool or service to filter and segment the extracted members based on demographics, interests, or engagement levels.
Store the filtered and segmented members in a database or a file for later use.
Step 4: Invite Members to Your Own Group
Use a Telegram bot or a script to invite the filtered and segmented members to your own group.
You can use APIs like Telegram's API or third-party APIs like Telethon or python-telegram-bot to send invitations to the members.
Technical Requirements:
Telegram scraper tool or service (e.g. Telethon, python-telegram-bot)
Telegram API or third-party API (e.g. Telethon, python-telegram-bot)
Filtering and segmentation tool or service (e.g. Google Sheets, Excel)
Telegram bot or script (e.g. Python, Node.js)
Database or file storage (e.g. MySQL, MongoDB, CSV)
Tools and Services:
Telethon: A Python library for Telegram API
python-telegram-bot: A Python library for Telegram API
Google Sheets: A spreadsheet tool for filtering and segmentation
Excel: A spreadsheet tool for filtering and segmentation
MySQL: A database management system for storing extracted members
MongoDB: A NoSQL database management system for storing extracted members
CSV: A file format for storing extracted members
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Script Example (Python):
Note: This script is just an example and you should modify it according to your needs and Telegram's API terms of service.
如何联系此 Telegram 工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发 DM 私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人或服务,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)
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