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我们提供实卡注册的Telegram账号,We provide real phone number Telegram accounts register!

很多出海营销人员都不清楚,使用实体手机号和虚拟号去注册飞机号有什么区别:(30)我们提供批量注册飞机号的工具和服务,We provide bulk register Telegram account software & service. 通过实体手机号和虚拟号注册有什么区别?批量注册 Telegram 账号(Bulk Register Telegram Accounts)是一项复杂且敏感的任务,因为 Telegram 对其平台的使用有严格的限制和防滥用措施。任何试图绕过这些限制的行为都可能违反 Telegram 的使用条款,导致账号被封禁不可避免。因此,在讨论技术实现之前,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|必须明确以下几点:

  1. 违反服务条款:批量注册账号(尤其是通过自动化手段)一定会违反 Telegram 的服务条款。因此,任何自动化行为都可能导致你的账号批量被封禁。我们的工具则在技术层面解决了这个问题,包括提供了千万级别的住宅IP做网络环境、为每个注册出来的小号提供不同的硬件标识。在实现了批量注册的同时,还保证了账号的留存。

  2. 安全风险:使用未经授权的第三方工具或服务可能会带来安全隐患,且可能涉及到用户隐私问题。

  3. 合法性问题:在某些国家或地区,批量注册和使用虚假账号可能会涉及到法律问题。

技术上如何实现批量注册 Telegram 账号

要批量注册 Telegram 账号,需要以下几个步骤:(3)Telegram批量注册账号工具

  1. 实体电话卡准备:Telegram 需要使用手机号码进行注册,因此如果要批量注册账户,需要大量的实体电话卡或虚拟号码服务(如 SMS API)。

  2. Telegram API 和 Telethon:Telegram 提供的 API 允许开发者通过编程接口与 Telegram 进行交互(但不允许批量注册)。你可以使用 Python 的 Telethon 库来与 Telegram API 通信。


要批量注册 Telegram 账号,必须解决以下几个技术难题:


  • Telethon:用于 Telegram API 的 Python 库,可以管理和控制已经注册的账号。

  • SMS API:可以使用虚拟号码服务(如 Twilio、TextNow、5SIM)来接收验证码。


  1. API 限制:Telegram API 不允许通过 API 创建新账户。你需要手动使用官方客户端或 Telegram Web 来创建账号。(12)我们提供PY格式的电报账号批量注册工具和服务,We provide py format Telegram accounts bulk register software & service!   

  2. 批量注册的风险:批量注册的行为很可能会触发 Telegram 的反滥用机制,导致注册失败或账号被封禁。

示例代码(Telethon 用于登录现有账号)

虽然 Telegram API 不允许通过 API 创建新账户,但你可以使用 Telethon 来管理已注册的账号。以下是一个简单的 Telethon 示例,用于登录现有的 Telegram 账号。



  1. API ID 和 Hash:你需要从 Telegram 注册并获取你的 api_id 和 api_hash

  2. 登录账号:此代码用于登录现有的 Telegram 账号,并通过验证码验证。

  3. 双重验证:如果启用了双重验证,代码会提示输入双重验证密码。

  4. 获取联系人:成功登录后,你可以获取联系人列表,并与他们进行交互。

通过 SMS API 获取验证码(伪代码)

如果你想要使用虚拟号码服务来接收验证码,以下是一个伪代码示例,展示如何使用 SMS API(例如 5SIM)来接收验证码。(23)我们提供飞机Session账号,We provide Telegram Session format accounts! 实现飞机群发为什么离不开大量的Session小号?    



批量注册 Telegram 账号技术上是可行的,但需要解决多个复杂的问题,包括挪用大量电话号码、处理验证码、避免 IP 和设备限制等。然而,批量注册 Telegram 账号一定是违反 Telegram 的服务条款的行为,所以没有足够的技术支撑,不推荐自行进行此类操作,可购买我们的工具实现这个功能。重要的是,任何自动化行为都应遵守平台的规定,避免可能的法律和账号封禁风险。(22)我们提供飞机Session号批量登录的工具和代码,We provide Telegram session accounts bulk login software & codes!飞机多开!


如果你需要在 Telegram 上进行大规模的营销或用户互动,建议考虑以下合法的替代方案:

  1. Telegram 群组或频道:通过创建群组或频道,吸引目标用户加入并在群内互动。

  2. Telegram Bot:使用 Telegram 提供的 Bot API 来与用户互动和自动化任务。

Bulk registering Telegram accounts is a complex and sensitive task because Telegram has strict limitations and anti-abuse measures on its platform. Any attempt to bypass these restrictions may violate Telegram's terms of service and result in account bans or legal action. Before discussing the technical implementation, it is important to clarify the following points:

  1. Violation of Terms of Service: Bulk account registration (especially through automated means) often violates Telegram's terms of service. As a result, your accounts may be banned due to automation.

  2. Security Risks: Using unauthorized third-party tools or services can pose security risks and may involve privacy issues.

  3. Legal Issues: In certain countries or regions, bulk registration and the use of fake accounts may raise legal concerns.

How Bulk Telegram Account Registration Works Technically

To bulk register Telegram accounts, the following steps are required:

  1. Phone Numbers: Telegram requires a phone number for registration, so if you want to bulk register accounts, you need a large number of real phone numbers or use virtual number services (like SMS APIs).

  2. Telegram API and Telethon: Telegram provides an API that allows developers to interact with Telegram programmatically, but it doesn't allow bulk registration. You can use the Python library Telethon to communicate with the Telegram API to manage existing accounts.

Challenges in Bulk Registration

To bulk register Telegram accounts, you need to address several technical challenges:

  • Phone Verification: Each account requires a real phone number, and Telegram sends a verification code to that number. You need to input the code manually or through an API to complete the registration.

  • CAPTCHA: Telegram may require CAPTCHA during the registration process, which is a challenge for automation scripts.

  • IP Restrictions: Telegram may restrict registrations based on IP addresses, so you may need to use proxies or VPNs.

  • Anti-abuse Mechanisms: Telegram may limit the number of registrations from the same device, IP address, or within a short period.

Tools to Use

  • Telethon: A Python library for interacting with Telegram's API. It can be used to manage and control already registered accounts.

  • SMS API: You can use virtual number services (like Twilio, TextNow, or 5SIM) to receive verification codes.

Key Considerations

  1. API Limitations: Telegram's API does not allow the creation of new accounts via API. You must manually use the official client or Telegram Web to create accounts.

  2. Risks of Bulk Registration: Bulk registration behavior will likely trigger Telegram's anti-abuse mechanisms, leading to registration failures or account bans.

Example Code (Telethon for Logging into Existing Accounts)

Although Telegram's API doesn't allow creating new accounts via API, you can use Telethon to manage existing accounts. Below is a simple example using Telethon to log into an existing Telegram account.

See above codes screenshot pls!

Code Explanation

  1. API ID and Hash: You need to register on Telegram to get your api_id and api_hash.

  2. Account Login: This code helps log into an existing Telegram account using a phone number and verification code.

  3. Two-Factor Authentication: If two-factor authentication is enabled, the code will prompt the user to enter their password.

  4. Fetching Contacts: After logging in, you can retrieve the contact list and interact with them.

Receiving Verification Codes via SMS API (Pseudocode)

If you want to use virtual phone number services to receive verification codes, here’s a pseudocode example that demonstrates how to use an SMS API (e.g., 5SIM) to receive the code.

See above codes screenshot pls!

Bulk registering Telegram accounts is technically feasible, but it involves solving several complex issues, such as handling a large number of phone numbers, processing verification codes, and avoiding IP and device restrictions. However, bulk registration of Telegram accounts likely violates Telegram’s terms of service, so this practice is not recommended. It is important to always comply with platform rules to avoid legal risks and account bans.

Legal Alternatives

If you need to scale up marketing or user interaction on Telegram, consider the following legal alternatives:

  1. Telegram Groups or Channels: Create groups or channels to attract target users and interact within the group.

  2. Telegram Bots: Use the Telegram Bot API to interact with users and automate tasks.

如何联系此 Telegram 工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发 DM 私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人、批量注册飞机号、批量群发DM私信,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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