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我们提供Telegram多开工具实现电脑端登录不限数量的飞机号,We provide Telegram accounts multiple login software! 飞机多开工具。

实现大量的飞机号在一个工具或者终端登录,一定要具备2个基本的条件,首先是硬件ID分离,然后就是IP地址轮询。也就是说,要模拟出真机的硬件和网络环境,为每个飞机小号都使用一个硬件ID和IP登录,避免被飞机服务器标记导致批量死号。我们开发的飞机账号多开工具,完美的解决了这个问题,可以通过导入Session批量登录大量的飞机账号。接下来,为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入了解我们的工具,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|提供技术路径和基础代码供参考:

实现 Telegram 多账户登录 的软件,可以基于 Telegram 的官方 MTProto API(即 Telegram API)。通过该 API,你可以同时登录多个账户并管理它们。Telegram 不允许使用 Web 自动化工具(如 Selenium)来管理账户,因此使用 Telegram 官方 API 是最合规和安全的技术路径。

为了实现这一目标,推荐使用 Python 的 Telethon 库,它是一个基于 Telegram API 的异步 Python 库,允许你轻松地与 Telegram API 交互并管理多个账户。


  1. Telegram API 申请:你需要在 Telegram API 官网 申请一个 api_idapi_hash。这些凭据允许你通过 Telegram API 认证和访问账户。  (15)我们提供MY.tg的API渠道和出售开发者账号,We provide my.tg API & developer account! 你为什么一直报错无法申请成功?

  2. Telethon:使用 Telethon 库来登录和管理多个 Telegram 账户。Telethon 是一个 Python 库,支持异步操作,所以你可以同时登录和处理多个账户。我们提供Telethon格式的电报账号批量注册,We provide tele format Telegram accounts bulk register!

  3. 多账户管理:通过创建多个 TelegramClient 实例,每个实例对应一个不同的账户。通过这种方式,你可以同时登录和管理多个账户。


你需要安装 Telethon 库。可以通过 pip 进行安装:


  1. 获取 API ID 和 API Hash
    Telegram 注册一个开发者账户,获取 api_idapi_hash。每个 Telegram 应用程序对应一组 api_idapi_hash

  2. 实现多账户登录
    Telethon 实现多个 Telegram 账户登录的示例代码。



  1. API CredentialsAPI_IDAPI_HASH 是从 Telegram 获取的凭据。每个账户的登录都需要使用这些凭据。

  2. Multiple Account Login:在 phone_numbers 列表中,你可以放入多个电话号码(每个号码对应一个 Telegram 账户)。start_client 函数为每个号码创建一个 TelegramClient 实例来登录对应的账户。

  3. Event Handlinghandle_new_message 是一个简单的事件处理器,它监听每个账户的消息,并将消息打印出来。你可以根据自己的需求修改这个处理函数,例如在接收到消息后执行某些操作。

  4. Concurrency:通过 asyncio.gather 启动所有账户的登录过程,并使它们能够并发工作。


  1. 第一次运行时,程序会提示你输入每个电话号码的登录验证码(通过 Telegram 发送的验证码)。Telethon 会将登录信息保存在本地的 .session 文件中,这样下次登录时无需再次输入验证码。

  2. 保持在线await client.run_until_disconnected() 会使客户端保持在线,直到手动断开连接。



  1. Rate Limiting:Telegram 对于每个账户的操作频率有一定的限制,避免过于频繁的消息发送或登录操作,否则可能会导致账户被限制。

  2. 验证码验证:当登录多个账户时,每个账户的首次登录都需要接收并输入 Telegram 发送的验证码。Telethon 会将会话信息保存在 .session 文件中,后续登录时无需再次输入验证码。

  3. 安全性:确保 API 凭据和 .session 文件的安全,防止未经授权的访问。

通过我们基于 Telegram 的 MTProto API 和 Python 的 Telethon 库开发的飞机躲开工具,你可以轻松实现多个 Telegram 账户的登录和管理。上述代码展示了如何使用异步编程来同时管理多个账户,并处理来自每个账户的消息,仅供学习使用,请勿用于任何非法用途!

To implement multiple Telegram account login software, the official MTProto API (Telegram API) can be used. Through this API, you can log into and manage multiple accounts simultaneously. Telegram does not allow using web automation tools (such as Selenium) to manage accounts, so using the official Telegram API is the most compliant and secure way.

For this, I recommend using the Python library Telethon. It is an asynchronous Python library based on the Telegram API that allows you to easily interact with the Telegram API and manage multiple accounts.

Technical Path

  1. Telegram API Application: You need to request an api_id and api_hash from the Telegram API website. These credentials allow you to authenticate and access accounts via the Telegram API.

  2. Telethon: Use the Telethon library to log in and manage multiple Telegram accounts. Telethon is a Python library that supports asynchronous operations, allowing you to log into and handle multiple accounts at the same time.

  3. Multiple Account Management: By creating multiple instances of TelegramClient, each corresponding to a different account, you can log in and manage multiple accounts concurrently.

Specific Steps:

  1. Install Dependencies:
    You need to install the
    Telethon library. This can be done via pip:

  1. pip install telethon
  2. Obtain API ID and API Hash:
    Go to the
    Telegram website, register for a developer account, and obtain your api_id and api_hash. Each Telegram application is associated with one set of api_id and api_hash.

  3. Implement Multiple Account Login:
    Below is an example code that uses
    Telethon to log into multiple Telegram accounts.

Example Code

See above codes screenshot pls!

Code Explanation:

  1. API Credentials: API_ID and API_HASH are the credentials you get from Telegram. You need these credentials to log into each account.

  2. Multiple Account Login: In the phone_numbers list, you can add multiple phone numbers (each corresponding to a Telegram account). The start_client function creates a TelegramClient instance for each number to log into the respective account.

  3. Event Handling: The handle_new_message function is a simple event handler that listens for messages on each account and prints them. You can modify this function to perform specific actions when a message is received.

  4. Concurrency: The asyncio.gather function starts the login process for all accounts concurrently, allowing them to work in parallel.

How to Run:

  1. During the first run, the program will prompt you to enter the login code for each phone number (the code is sent via Telegram). Telethon will then save the login information in a local .session file, so subsequent logins won’t require the code again.

  2. Stay Online: The await client.run_until_disconnected() command keeps the client online until manually disconnected.

Advanced Features:

  • Sending Messages: You can use the client.send_message() method to send a message to a user or group.

  • Group Management: You can use the API to manage groups, add members, etc.

  • Scheduled Tasks: You can use asyncio or the schedule library to set up scheduled tasks for each account, such as sending messages at specific times.

Possible Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Rate Limiting: Telegram imposes limits on the number of actions each account can perform. Avoid sending too many messages or logging in too frequently, as this could lead to account restrictions.

  2. Verification Code: When logging into multiple accounts, each account needs to receive and input the verification code sent by Telegram. Telethon will store session information in a .session file, so future logins won’t require this step.

  3. Security: Ensure the security of your API credentials and .session files to prevent unauthorized access.

By using Telegram's MTProto API and the Python Telethon library, you can easily implement multiple Telegram account login and management. The above code demonstrates how to log into and handle multiple accounts asynchronously, as well as process messages from each account.

如何联系此 Telegram 工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发 DM 私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人、批量注册飞机号、批量群发DM私信,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, includingCHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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