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出售 Instagram 协议号!支持安卓端和网页端批量登录格式定制!

在购买Instagram协议号之前,需要与Ins群控工具的开发者确认,用于批量登录工具的协议格式是怎样的。例如我们开发的 (1)Instagram批量自动注册海量账号工具 就是自定义的协议号格式。同样,在购买Ins协议号用于采集和群发之前,也要弄清楚小号的协议格式:(2)Instagram批量采集、自动群发工具,日发80万DM消息和好友邀请、触达海量潜在客户不受限!否则可能导致消耗无法登录到群发工具。目前,市面上的Ins群发工具基本导入的是2种协议号,即安卓端和web端格式。那么用于Web端批量登录和从Android端登录的协议号主要不同之处有哪些呢:

登录机制不同,Web端批量登录利用的是Instagram开放平台提供的Auth API来实现登录,需要先注册一个Instagram业务账号(Protocol)来获取access token,然后使用access token调用Auth API登录指定账号。而Android端登录则直接使用应用的配置信息和登录界面,用户通过自己的账号密码在应用中登录Instagram个人账号,不需要额外的Protocol。

权限与能力不同,Web登录获得的access token对应的是Instagram开放平台授权的业务账号,它拥有较强的API权限,能够调用广告、分析等API完成更丰富的业务逻辑,但它无法完成普通社交互动,如发布动态、评论等。而Android登录获得的仅是一个登录session,能够完成所有个人社交互动但是无法访问开放平台API。这主要因為Instagram限制了移动端应用的权限以保护用户隐私。


身份验证不同,Web登录通过调用Auth API提供的access token来标记登录状态和验证账号身份。Android登录则是通过应用内的账号密码登录后的登录态(login session)来维持登录状态,类似于个人登录Instagramapp的过程。

登出处理不同,Web端当access token过期后,需要重新调用Auth API获取新的access token来保持登录状态。Android端在应用退出后,内部的登录态自动失效。下次打开应用需要从新输入账号密码进行登录。






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The Main Differences between Logging in with Instagram Protocol on the Web End for Batch Login and Logging in from the Android End

  1. The login mechanisms are different

Batch login on the web end utilizes Instagram's open platform Auth API to realize login. It requires first registering a business account (Protocol) on Instagram to obtain an access token, and then using the access token to call the Auth API to log in to specified accounts.

While Android end login directly uses the application's configuration information and login interface. Users log into their personal Instagram accounts through their own account and password in the app, without requiring an extra Protocol.

  1. The permissions and capabilities are different

The access token obtained through web login corresponds to a business account authorized by Instagram's open platform, which has stronger API permissions and can call ads, analytics and other APIs to complete more business logics. However, it cannot perform ordinary social interactions such as posting dynamics and comments.

The Android login only obtains a login session that can complete all personal social interactions but cannot access the open platform APIs. This is mainly because Instagram limits the permissions of mobile applications to protect user privacy.

  1. The account types are different

The accounts used for web login are system-allocated and operated "protocol accounts" provided by Instagram's open platform for third-party applications. They do not have real-name requirements and cannot be logged into the Instagram app for social interaction.

The accounts used for Android login are usually the user's own personal Instagram accounts, which are bound to daily social interactions and require providing real identity information for registration.

  1. The identity verification is different

Web login uses the access token provided by the Auth API to mark the login status and verify the account identity.

Android login maintains the login status through the login session obtained after the account password login in the application, similar to the process of individuals logging into the Instagram app.

  1. The logout handling is different

When the web access token expires, a new access token needs to be obtained by calling the Auth API again to maintain the login status.

The login session inside the Android app automatically expires when the application exits. The next time the app is opened, the account and password need to be re-entered for login.

  1. The account management is different

The accounts used for web login are all system-assigned and operated "protocol accounts". Developers cannot directly manage the sensitive information such as passwords of these accounts through the application.

The accounts used for Android login are the users' own personally managed real personal accounts. Developers need to provide account password management and other functions to support user operations.

  1. The platform restrictions are different

Large-scale automatic login operations can be performed through web login.

Due to privacy restrictions, Android endpoints generally cannot perform batch automatic login, and each account requires personal login operations by users through the application.

  1. The data permissions are different

Web login can obtain richer analysis and business data through various APIs provided by Instagram's open platform.

Although Android login can obtain basic user information, it cannot directly access a large amount of user data due to platform permission limitations.

In summary, the main differences between web batch login and Android personal login to Instagram from a technical perspective in terms of login mechanisms, account types, process handling, platform restrictions and other dimensions have been compared above. The two have obvious differences in purpose and capabilities, and should be selected according to actual business scenarios.

(1)采集海量Facebook Instagram用户&红人 + 群发DM推广服务!           (2)全网最可靠的用户资料和竞争对手粉丝批量采集和群发服务,可采集IG,FB,X,LinkedIn,Discord等17个SNS社媒平台粉丝的联系方式!           (3)代售21个类目的Instagram账号,粉丝质量优质、Engagement互动数据高!

Instagram web端登录的协议号格式是 ig_sig_key_version=<version>&csrftoken=<csrftoken>&username=<username>&password=<password>&guid=<guid>&device_id=<device_id>&login_attempt=<login_attempt>&csrftoken=<csrftoken>&ig_sig_key_version=<version>


  • <version> 是 Instagram 的签名密钥版本号

  • <csrftoken> 是 CSRF Token,用于防止跨站请求伪造攻击

  • <username> 是用户名

  • <password> 是密码

  • <guid> 是全球唯一标识符,用于标识设备

  • <device_id> 是设备 ID

  • <login_attempt> 是登录尝试次数

这个协议号格式用于 Instagram web 端登录时,客户端将这些参数发送给 Instagram 服务器,以便进行身份验证和登录。

Instagram 安卓端登录的协议号格式

是 X-IG-App-ID=<app_id>&X-IG-Android-ID=<android_id>&X-IG-Nonce=<nonce>&X-IG-Signed-Request=<signed_request>&X-IG-Username=<username>&X-IG-Password=<password>&X-IG-Device-ID=<device_id>&X-IG-Login-Attempt=<login_attempt>


  • <app_id> 是 Instagram 应用的 ID

  • <android_id> 是 Android 设备的唯一标识符

  • <nonce> 是随机数,用于防止重放攻击

  • <signed_request> 是签名的请求数据,包括用户名、密码、设备 ID 等信息

  • <username> 是用户名

  • <password> 是密码

  • <device_id> 是设备 ID

  • <login_attempt> 是登录尝试次数

这个协议号格式用于 Instagram 安卓端登录时,客户端将这些参数发送给 Instagram 服务器,以便进行身份验证和登录。

在 Android 端,Instagram 使用了 HTTPS протокол来加密数据传输,并使用了 SSL/TLS 加密来保护用户的密码和其他敏感信息。

注意:这个协议号格式可能会随着 Instagram 的更新而变化,所以请确保您使用的是最新的格式。

另外,Instagram 还有其他的登录协议号格式,例如使用 Facebook 账户登录时的格式为 access_token=<access_token>&expires_in=<expires_in>&token_type=<token_type>&refresh_token=<refresh_token>,其中 <access_token> 是访问令牌,<expires_in> 是令牌的有效期,<token_type> 是令牌类型,<refresh_token> 是刷新令牌。

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如何联系此Instagram自动化营销工具的开发者:如需批量注册海量Instagram账号的自动化工具、或者购买各种格式的Ins协议号,可加此服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/glensher (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Instagram工具

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