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我们提供按照关键词批量搜索采集飞机群的工具,We provide Telegram group search software!

如何批量搜索同行和竞争对手的飞机群,是一个必须解决的问题。因为找到精品群,可以将其群内的群成员采集出来、然后强制拉入自建群,实现“截流”的运营目标:(4)TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具。当然,你也可以将这些采集出来的群成员作为“料子”上传到批量群发工具,给他们发送大量的推广消息:  (2)Telegram自动群发工具。然而,在 Telegram 生态中,官方并不提供用于批量搜索群组的 API 或功能。虽然 Telegram 允许用户通过搜索功能查找群组,但这种功能通常是基于公开群组的名称、描述或用户手动输入的关键词。要实现按关键词批量搜索并自动化加入 Telegram 群组,通常需要借助一些非官方的技术路径。这可能包括使用 Telegram 的非官方 API 或通过自动化工具模拟用户操作来实现搜索和加入群组的功能。所以,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|推出的批量搜索飞机群的工具效率高,适合大规模触达的需求。为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入的了解我们的工具,接下来分享实现批量搜群的技术路径、及部分基础的示例代码供参考:


1. 使用 Telegram 的非官方 API(例如 Telethon)

Telethon 是一个非常流行的 Telegram 非官方 API 客户端库,支持与 Telegram 的服务器进行交互。通过这个库,你可以执行以下操作:

注意:Telethon 本身并不提供直接的群组搜索功能,因为 Telegram 并没有提供公开的群组搜索 API。不过,你可以通过 Telegram 的公开频道或群组列表,手动或者通过爬虫获取群组的名称或链接,然后通过 Telethon 批量加入这些群组。

2. 自动化搜索(通过 Telegram Web 或 Telegram 桌面客户端)

使用自动化工具(如 Selenium)来模拟用户在 Telegram Web 或桌面客户端中的操作。你可以模拟输入关键词,执行搜索,然后自动加入找到的公开群组。

方法 1:使用 Telethon 批量加入群组

虽然 Telethon 不支持直接搜索功能,但你可以通过其他方式获取公开群组的链接或用户名,然后使用 Telethon 批量加入这些群组。

安装 Telethon

首先,安装 Telethon 库:

pip install telethon
获取 API 密钥

要使用 Telethon,首先需要一个 Telegram 应用的 API 密钥。你可以通过 Telegram’s API Development Tools 获取这些密钥。 (15)我们提供MY.tg的API渠道和出售开发者账号,We provide my.tg API & developer account! 你为什么一直报错无法申请成功?


以下是使用 Telethon 通过公开群组名称或链接批量加入群组的示例代码:



方法 2:使用 Selenium 自动化群组搜索

如果你需要根据关键词搜索 Telegram 群组,可以使用 Selenium 来模拟用户在 Telegram Web 或桌面客户端中的操作。

安装 Selenium 和浏览器驱动

首先,安装 Selenium:

pip install selenium

然后,你需要下载并安装适合你浏览器的驱动程序(例如 Chrome 的 ChromeDriver)。

示例代码:使用 Selenium 自动化搜索 Telegram 群组

以下是一个使用 Selenium 自动化在 Telegram Web 上搜索群组的示例代码:



  • 模拟用户登录 Telegram Web 并手动扫描二维码。

  • 输入关键词并搜索相关群组。

  • 自动加入第一个找到的公开群组。



  1. 官方限制:无论是使用非官方 API 还是通过自动化工具进行操作,都是一定会违反 Telegram 的官方政策。Telegram 对自动化操作(尤其是批量加入群组)有一定的限制。如果检测到异常行为,你的账号可能会被限制或封禁。

  2. 风控机制:批量加入群组或发送消息的行为很可能触发 Telegram 的反垃圾功能,导致账号被限制。建议在使用这些技术时要控制操作频率,避免过于频繁地加入群组或发送消息。同时,在工具中需要批量登录大量的飞机小号,“轮询”使用。我们同时也有提供:(3)Telegram批量注册账号工具

  3. 隐私问题:确保你加入的群组是公开群组,并且你有合法的权限访问或加入这些群组。未经用户同意加入私人群组或发送广告消息可能违反 Telegram 的使用条款。当然,我们也有提供批量采集飞机私密群和频道的自动化工具:(24)我们提供按照关键词批量搜索采集飞机频道的工具,We provide Telegram channel search software!   

因此,批量搜索和加入 Telegram 群组可以通过以下两种主要方法实现:

  1. 使用非官方的 Telegram API(如 Telethon)批量加入已知的公开群组。

  2. 使用 Selenium 自动化搜索并加入群组。

但需要注意的是,Telegram 并没有提供直接的 API 来实现群组搜索,任何自动化操作都可能面临账号限制或封禁风险。确保合理使用这些技术,避免违反 Telegram 的服务条款。而我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|开发的自动搜索飞机群工具,在实现了批量执行的同时,又规避了大量死号的风险。

In Telegram, there is no official API or functionality for bulk searching groups. While Telegram allows users to search for groups through its search feature, this is typically based on the names or descriptions of public groups, and users must manually input keywords. To implement keyword-based bulk group searches and automate group joining, you would generally need to use unofficial technical paths. This may involve using Telegram's unofficial API or automating user actions to search and join groups.

Technical Pathways

1. Using Telegram's Unofficial API (e.g., Telethon)

Telethon is a popular unofficial Telegram API client library that supports interacting with Telegram's servers. With this library, you can:

  • Search for public groups or channels.

  • Join groups by their name or ID.

Note: Telethon itself does not provide a direct group search function because Telegram does not offer a public group search API. However, you can manually or through web scraping collect group names or links from public group directories, then use Telethon to join these groups in bulk.

2. Automated Searching (via Telegram Web or Desktop Client)

You can use automation tools (such as Selenium) to simulate user actions in the Telegram Web or Desktop client. This allows you to input keywords, perform searches, and automatically join any public groups found.

Method 1: Bulk Joining Groups Using Telethon

Although Telethon does not support direct searching, you can use it to join known public groups by their usernames or invitation links.

Installing Telethon

First, install the Telethon library:

pip install telethon
Getting API Keys

To use Telethon, you need an API key for a Telegram application. You can get these keys from Telegram’s API Development Tools.

Example Code: Bulk Joining Groups by Group Name

Here is an example of using Telethon to bulk join public groups by their names or links: See above codes screenshot for ref pls!


  • group_list contains the list of group links or usernames you want to join.

  • If the link starts with https://, the JoinChatRequest method is used; for usernames, the JoinChannelRequest method is used.

  • Error handling ensures smooth behavior if the user is already in the group or if the link is invalid.

Method 2: Using Selenium for Automated Group Search

If you need to search for groups based on keywords, you can use Selenium to simulate user actions in Telegram Web.

Installing Selenium and Browser Driver

First, install Selenium:

pip install selenium

Then, download and install the appropriate browser driver for your browser (e.g., ChromeDriver for Chrome).

Example Code: Automating Group Search on Telegram Using Selenium

Here is an example of how to use Selenium to automate group searches on Telegram Web: See above codes screenshot for ref pls!


  • This script simulates logging in to Telegram Web and scanning the QR code manually.

  • It inputs a keyword to search for groups and simulates clicking the first result.

  • Finally, it automates the process of joining the group.

This method can be extended to loop through multiple keywords and automatically join any public groups found.

Important Considerations

  1. Official Restrictions: Using unofficial APIs or automation tools may violate Telegram's official policy. Telegram imposes limits on automated actions, especially bulk joining groups. If unusual activity is detected, your account may be restricted or banned.

  2. Anti-Spam Mechanisms: Bulk joining groups or sending messages in bulk may trigger Telegram’s anti-spam features, leading to account restrictions. It’s recommended to control the frequency of actions and avoid excessively joining groups or sending repetitive messages.

  3. Privacy Concerns: Make sure you are joining public groups and have legal permission to access or join these groups. Adding users to private groups or sending unsolicited messages may violate Telegram’s terms of service.

Bulk searching and joining Telegram groups can be achieved through two main methods:

  1. Using unofficial Telegram APIs (such as Telethon) to join known public groups in bulk.

  2. Using Selenium to automate group searches and join groups based on keywords.

However, it's important to note that Telegram does not provide a direct API for group searches, and any automated actions carry the risk of account restrictions or bans. Be sure to use these tools responsibly and in compliance with Telegram's terms of service.

如何联系此 Telegram 工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发 DM 私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人、批量注册飞机号、批量群发DM私信,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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