使用邮箱和虚拟手机号码批量注册海量 Instagram 账号的步骤和基础代码是怎样的?
在上一篇介绍中,我们已经分析了为什么批量注册Instagram账号通常只能使用邮箱或者虚拟手机号?还有哪些可以账号可以帮助注册Instagram账号?那么接下来,我们详细讲解如何通过邮箱和虚拟手机号批量注册Ins账号,及基础代码。同时,除了之前介绍的一些自动注册工具:Instagram 自动营销和批量管理工具深度解析:Jarvee、Instagress 和 FollowLiker 的全面对比,在本文中,我们继续介绍一些市面上主流的PVA批量注册自动化工作,并做一个基本的测评。
避免使用相同的电子邮件地址或密码 для多个账号。
This code uses a email server to send verification emails to newly created Instagram accounts, and then uses Selenium to automate the registration process. The script registers 10 new Instagram accounts, sends a verification email to each account, and enters the verification code to complete the registration process. Please note that this code is for illustration purposes only, and you should not use it to bulk register Instagram accounts without Instagram's permission. Additionally, you should ensure that you comply with Instagram's terms of service and use email verification responsibly.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to bulk register Instagram accounts using email:
Step 1: Prepare the necessary materials
A list of email addresses that you want to use to register the Instagram accounts. Make sure these email addresses are valid and not already associated with an Instagram account.
A password manager or a spreadsheet to store the login credentials for each account.
A computer or device with a stable internet connection.
A browser or a automation tool that can handle bulk registration.
Step 2: Create a list of email addresses
Create a list of email addresses that you want to use to register the Instagram accounts. You can use a email generator tool or create them manually.
Make sure the email addresses are valid and not already associated with an Instagram account.
Save the list of email addresses in a spreadsheet or a text file.
Step 3: Open the Instagram registration page
Open the Instagram registration page in a browser or an automation tool.
Make sure you are not logged in to any Instagram account.
Step 4: Enter the email address and password
Enter the first email address from the list and a strong password.
Make sure to use a unique password for each account.
You can use a password manager to generate and store unique passwords for each account.
Step 5: Fill out the registration form
Fill out the registration form with the required information such as username, full name, and birthday.
Make sure to use a unique username for each account.
You can use a automation tool to fill out the registration form automatically.
Step 6: Verify the email address
Instagram will send a verification email to the email address you used to register the account.
Open the email and click on the verification link to activate the account.
Make sure to verify the email address within a few minutes of receiving the email.
Step 7: Repeat the process
Repeat steps 4-6 for each email address on the list.
Make sure to use a unique password and username for each account.
Step 8: Store the login credentials
Store the login credentials for each account in a password manager or a spreadsheet.
Make sure to keep the login credentials safe and secure.
Step 9: Verify the accounts
After registering all the accounts, verify that each account is active and functional.
Make sure to check for any errors or issues with the registration process.
Automation Tools
You can use automation tools such as Selenium, PyAutoGUI, or BrowserMob to automate the registration process.
These tools can simulate user interactions and fill out the registration form automatically.
Make sure to use these tools responsibly and in accordance with Instagram's terms of service.
Tips and Precautions
Make sure to use a unique password and username for each account.
Use a password manager to generate and store unique passwords for each account.
Avoid using the same email address or password for multiple accounts.
Make sure to verify the email address within a few minutes of receiving the email.
Avoid registering too many accounts at once, as this may trigger Instagram's spam detection.
Make sure to comply with Instagram's terms of service and avoid using these accounts for spamming or phishing.
Bulk registering Instagram accounts using email can be a time-consuming process, but with the right tools and precautions, it can be done efficiently and effectively. Make sure to use a unique password and username for each account, and avoid registering too many accounts at once. With these steps and tips, you can successfully bulk register Instagram accounts using email.
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一、 虚拟手机号概述
虚拟手机号的定义: 虚拟手机号,也称为虚拟号码、临时号码、一次性号码,是一种无需实体SIM卡即可接收短信验证码的电话号码。它通常由第三方服务提供商提供,并可以用于各种场景,例如注册网站、接收短信验证码、保护隐私等。
无需实体SIM卡: 无需购买实体SIM卡,节省成本和时间。
隐私保护: 使用虚拟手机号可以隐藏你的真实号码,保护隐私。
多账号管理: 可以方便地管理多个账号,无需频繁更换SIM卡。
批量注册: 可以用于批量注册多个账号,提高效率。
账号安全性: 使用虚拟手机号注册的账号,安全性可能较低,容易被封禁。
功能限制: 部分虚拟手机号可能无法接收所有类型的短信,例如语音验证码。
服务稳定性: 虚拟手机号服务提供商的稳定性可能存在问题,导致无法接收短信验证码。
二、 选择合适的虚拟手机号服务提供商
服务质量: 选择信誉良好、服务质量高的虚拟手机号服务提供商,确保短信验证码接收稳定,避免出现账号注册失败的情况。
号码类型: 选择合适的号码类型,例如国际号码、国内号码、地区号码等,根据你的需求选择合适的号码。
价格和套餐: 根据你的需求选择合适的套餐,例如按次收费、按月收费、按年收费等。
支持平台: 选择支持Instagram注册的虚拟手机号服务提供商,确保可以正常接收短信验证码。
用户评价: 参考其他用户的评价,了解服务提供商的口碑和信誉。
三、 批量注册Instagram账号的步骤
选择虚拟手机号服务提供商: 根据上述标准选择合适的虚拟手机号服务提供商,并注册账号。
创建Instagram账号: 打开Instagram官网或APP,点击注册按钮。
选择注册方式: 选择使用手机号码注册,并输入虚拟手机号。
获取短信验证码: 等待虚拟手机号服务提供商发送短信验证码,并将其输入到Instagram注册页面。
设置账号信息: 设置你的账号信息,例如用户名、密码、邮箱地址等。
使用代理IP: 使用代理IP可以隐藏你的真实IP地址,避免被Instagram识别为批量注册行为。
设置不同的账号信息: 使用不同的用户名、密码、邮箱地址、头像、简介等信息,避免账号被封禁。
模拟真实用户行为: 在注册账号后,不要立即进行大量操作,例如关注、点赞、评论等,模拟真实用户行为,让账号看起来更真实。
使用不同的设备: 使用不同的设备,例如手机、电脑、平板电脑等,进行注册,避免被Instagram识别为批量注册行为。
定期更换虚拟手机号: 定期更换虚拟手机号,避免被Instagram识别为同一用户注册多个账号。
使用不同的注册方式: 尝试使用不同的注册方式,例如使用邮箱地址注册,或者使用Facebook账号登录Instagram。
遵守Instagram的使用规则: 不要使用虚假信息注册账号,不要进行违反Instagram使用规则的操作,例如发布垃圾信息、骚扰其他用户等。
避免使用黑科技: 不要使用任何黑科技软件或工具,这些软件可能会泄露你的个人信息,甚至导致账号被封禁。
保持账号活跃: 定期登录账号,发布内容,与其他用户互动,保持账号活跃度,避免被Instagram识别为僵尸账号。
使用多个账号: 不要将所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,使用多个账号,可以降低风险,提高成功率。
做好账号管理: 做好账号管理,例如记录账号信息、设置安全密码、定期备份数据等,避免账号丢失或被盗。
四、 虚拟手机号批量注册Instagram账号的风险
账号被封禁: 使用虚拟手机号批量注册Instagram账号,容易被Instagram识别为批量注册行为,导致账号被封禁。
个人信息泄露: 部分虚拟手机号服务提供商可能存在安全漏洞,导致个人信息泄露。
违反法律法规: 使用虚拟手机号进行违法活动,例如发布虚假信息、进行诈骗等,可能会触犯法律法规。
五、 提高Instagram账号注册成功率的技巧
使用高质量的虚拟手机号: 选择信誉良好、服务质量高的虚拟手机号服务提供商,确保短信验证码接收稳定。
设置真实的账号信息: 使用真实姓名、头像、简介等信息,让账号看起来更真实。
模拟真实用户行为: 在注册账号后,不要立即进行大量操作,例如关注、点赞、评论等,模拟真实用户行为,让账号看起来更真实。
使用不同的设备: 使用不同的设备,例如手机、电脑、平板电脑等,进行注册,避免被Instagram识别为批量注册行为。
定期更换虚拟手机号: 定期更换虚拟手机号,避免被Instagram识别为同一用户注册多个账号。
使用不同的注册方式: 尝试使用不同的注册方式,例如使用邮箱地址注册,或者使用Facebook账号登录Instagram。
使用代理IP: 使用代理IP可以隐藏你的真实IP地址,避免被Instagram识别为批量注册行为。
六、 避免Instagram账号被封禁的措施
遵守Instagram的使用规则: 不要使用虚假信息注册账号,不要进行违反Instagram使用规则的操作,例如发布垃圾信息、骚扰其他用户等。
避免使用黑科技: 不要使用任何黑科技软件或工具,这些软件可能会泄露你的个人信息,甚至导致账号被封禁。
保持账号活跃: 定期登录账号,发布内容,与其他用户互动,保持账号活跃度,避免被Instagram识别为僵尸账号。
使用多个账号: 不要将所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,使用多个账号,可以降低风险,提高成功率。
做好账号管理: 做好账号管理,例如记录账号信息、设置安全密码、定期备份数据等,避免账号丢失或被盗。
七、 总结
使用虚拟手机号批量注册Instagram账号可能会违反Instagram的使用规则,并可能导致账号被封禁。请谨慎使用,并确保遵守相关法律法规。下面这个代码使用Twilio API创建一个虚拟手机号,然后使用Selenium自动化Instagram注册过程。该脚本每次任务会注册10个新的Instagram账号,接收每个账号的SMS验证码,然后输入验证码以完成注册过程。请注意,这个代码仅供参考,你不应该使用它来批量注册Instagram账号,而没有Instagram的许可。此外,你应该确保遵守Instagram的服务条款,并负责任地使用虚拟手机号。
This code uses the Twilio API to create a virtual mobile number, and then uses Selenium to automate the Instagram registration process. The script registers 10 new Instagram accounts, receives the SMS verification code for each account, and enters the code to complete the registration process.
Please note that this code is for illustration purposes only, and you should not use it to bulk register Instagram accounts without Instagram's permission. Additionally, you should ensure that you comply with Instagram's terms of service and use virtual mobile numbers responsibly.
Here's a comprehensive guide on using virtual mobile numbers to bulk register Instagram accounts:
As social media thrives, Instagram has become one of the most popular platforms for sharing images and videos globally. Many businesses and individuals aim to establish their accounts on Instagram to promote brands, sell products, build networks, and share their lives. However, Instagram has increasingly tightened its restrictions on account registration, especially for accounts using virtual mobile numbers for bulk registration, making them more susceptible to being banned.
This article will detail the steps involved in using virtual mobile numbers to bulk register Instagram accounts, along with tips and precautions to maximize your success rate and prevent account bans.
I. Overview of Virtual Mobile Numbers
Definition of Virtual Mobile Numbers: Virtual mobile numbers, also known as virtual numbers, temporary numbers, or disposable numbers, are phone numbers that allow you to receive SMS verification codes without a physical SIM card. They are typically provided by third-party service providers and can be used in various scenarios, such as registering websites, receiving SMS verification codes, and protecting privacy.
Advantages of Virtual Mobile Numbers:
No Physical SIM Card Required: No need to purchase a physical SIM card, saving costs and time.
Privacy Protection: Using virtual mobile numbers can hide your real number, protecting your privacy.
Multi-Account Management: Conveniently manage multiple accounts without frequently changing SIM cards.
Bulk Registration: Can be used to register multiple accounts in bulk, improving efficiency.
Disadvantages of Virtual Mobile Numbers:
Account Security: Accounts registered using virtual mobile numbers may have lower security and are more prone to being banned.
Functional Limitations: Some virtual mobile numbers may not be able to receive all types of SMS messages, such as voice verification codes.
Service Stability: The stability of virtual mobile number service providers may be an issue, leading to the inability to receive SMS verification codes.
II. Choosing the Right Virtual Mobile Number Service Provider
Service Quality: Choose reputable virtual mobile number service providers with high-quality services to ensure stable SMS verification code reception and avoid account registration failures.
Number Type: Select the appropriate number type, such as international numbers, domestic numbers, regional numbers, etc., based on your needs.
Pricing and Packages: Choose suitable packages based on your needs, such as pay-per-use, monthly subscriptions, or annual subscriptions.
Supported Platforms: Select virtual mobile number service providers that support Instagram registration to ensure you can receive SMS verification codes correctly.
User Reviews: Refer to reviews from other users to understand the provider's reputation and credibility.
III. Steps for Bulk Registering Instagram Accounts
Choose a Virtual Mobile Number Service Provider: Select a suitable virtual mobile number service provider based on the criteria above and register an account.
Create an Instagram Account: Open the Instagram website or app and click the registration button.
Choose Registration Method: Select registration using a mobile number and enter the virtual mobile number.
Obtain SMS Verification Code: Wait for the virtual mobile number service provider to send the SMS verification code and enter it on the Instagram registration page.
Set Up Account Information: Set up your account information, such as username, password, email address, etc.
Bulk Registration Tips:
Use Proxy IPs: Using proxy IPs can hide your real IP address, preventing Instagram from identifying you as engaging in bulk registration.
Set Up Different Account Information: Use different usernames, passwords, email addresses, profile pictures, bios, etc., to avoid account bans.
Simulate Real User Behavior: After registering an account, don't immediately perform a large number of actions, such as following, liking, commenting, etc. Simulate real user behavior to make your account appear more authentic.
Use Different Devices: Use different devices, such as phones, computers, tablets, etc., for registration to avoid being identified by Instagram as bulk registration.
Regularly Change Virtual Mobile Numbers: Regularly change virtual mobile numbers to prevent Instagram from identifying them as the same user registering multiple accounts.
Use Different Registration Methods: Try different registration methods, such as registering using an email address or logging in to Instagram using a Facebook account.
Adhere to Instagram's Usage Rules: Do not use false information to register accounts, and avoid performing actions that violate Instagram's usage rules, such as posting spam, harassing other users, etc.
Avoid Using Black Technology: Do not use any black technology software or tools, as these may leak your personal information or even lead to account bans.
Keep Accounts Active: Regularly log in to accounts, post content, and interact with other users to maintain account activity and prevent Instagram from identifying them as bot accounts.
Use Multiple Accounts: Don't put all your eggs in one basket; use multiple accounts to reduce risk and increase success rate.
Manage Accounts Properly: Manage accounts well, such as recording account information, setting strong passwords, and regularly backing up data, to prevent account loss or theft.
IV. Risks of Using Virtual Mobile Numbers to Bulk Register Instagram Accounts
Account Bans: Using virtual mobile numbers to bulk register Instagram accounts can easily be identified by Instagram as bulk registration behavior, leading to account bans.
Personal Information Leakage: Some virtual mobile number service providers may have security vulnerabilities, leading to personal information leakage.
Violation of Laws and Regulations: Using virtual mobile numbers for illegal activities, such as spreading false information, engaging in fraud, etc., may violate laws and regulations.
V. Tips to Increase Instagram Account Registration Success Rate
Use High-Quality Virtual Mobile Numbers: Choose reputable virtual mobile number service providers with high-quality services to ensure stable SMS verification code reception.
Set Up Real Account Information: Use real names, profile pictures, bios, etc., to make accounts appear more authentic.
Simulate Real User Behavior: After registering an account, don't immediately perform a large number of actions, such as following, liking, commenting, etc. Simulate real user behavior to make your account appear more authentic.
Use Different Devices: Use different devices, such as phones, computers, tablets, etc., for registration to avoid being identified by Instagram as bulk registration.
Regularly Change Virtual Mobile Numbers: Regularly change virtual mobile numbers to prevent Instagram from identifying them as the same user registering multiple accounts.
Use Different Registration Methods: Try different registration methods, such as registering using an email address or logging in to Instagram using a Facebook account.
Use Proxy IPs: Using proxy IPs can hide your real IP address, preventing Instagram from identifying you as engaging in bulk registration.
VI. Measures to Avoid Instagram Account Bans
Adhere to Instagram's Usage Rules: Do not use false information to register accounts, and avoid performing actions that violate Instagram's usage rules, such as posting spam, harassing other users, etc.
Avoid Using Black Technology: Do not use any black technology software or tools, as these may leak your personal information or even lead to account bans.
Keep Accounts Active: Regularly log in to accounts, post content, and interact with other users to maintain account activity and prevent Instagram from identifying them as bot accounts.
Use Multiple Accounts: Don't put all your eggs in one basket; use multiple accounts to reduce risk and increase success rate.
Manage Accounts Properly: Manage accounts well, such as recording account information, setting strong passwords, and regularly backing up data, to prevent account loss or theft.
VII. Conclusion
Using virtual mobile numbers to bulk register Instagram accounts can improve registration efficiency but also carries risks. To maximize success rate and avoid account bans, you need to choose suitable virtual mobile number service providers, set up real account information, simulate real user behavior, adhere to Instagram's usage rules, and manage accounts well.
This article aims to help you better understand the steps, tips, and risks involved in using virtual mobile numbers to bulk register Instagram accounts and assist you in successfully registering multiple Instagram accounts.
Using virtual mobile numbers to bulk register Instagram accounts may violate Instagram's usage rules and could lead to account bans. Please use them cautiously and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
1. Instagram API:如果您拥有开发者账户和已验证的商业或创作者账户,可以使用Instagram API来编程创建新账号。这种方法需要一些编程知识和遵守Instagram API条款。
2. 自动化工具:有多种自动化工具可用于批量注册Instagram账号,例如:
* Instazero:一个流行的Instagram自动化工具,允许您同时创建多个账号。
* Jarvee:一个社交媒体自动化工具,支持Instagram账号创建。
* FollowLiker:一个工具,允许您创建多个Instagram账号并自动执行各种任务。
3. 浏览器扩展:一些浏览器扩展,如 Instagram Account Creator 或 Bulk Instagram Account Creator,可以帮助您快速创建多个Instagram账号。
4. 外包:如果您没有时间或资源来批量注册Instagram账号,可以将此任务外包给虚拟助手或专门从事社交媒体账号创建的公司。
5. 使用代理服务:如果您计划创建大量Instagram账号,可能希望考虑使用代理服务来旋转您的IP地址以避免Instagram的阻止。
重要注意:在使用任何这些方法之前,请确保遵守Instagram的服务条款,并避免从事任何可能被视为垃圾邮件或钓鱼的活动。记住,在使用任何自动化工具或方法时,确保您不违反Instagram的服务条款,并负责地使用这些工具。 🤖
While the step-by-step guide I provided earlier is a manual process, there are indeed faster and more efficient ways to bulk register Instagram accounts. Here are a few alternatives:
1. Instagram API: If you have a developer account and a verified business or creator account, you can use the Instagram API to programmatically create new accounts. This method requires some programming knowledge and adherence to Instagram's API terms.
2. Automation Tools: There are various automation tools available that can help you bulk register Instagram accounts, such as:
* Instazero: A popular automation tool for Instagram that allows you to create multiple accounts at once.
* Jarvee: A social media automation tool that supports Instagram account creation.
* FollowLiker: A tool that allows you to create multiple Instagram accounts and automate various tasks.
3. Browser Extensions: Some browser extensions, such as Instagram Account Creator or Bulk Instagram Account Creator, can help you create multiple Instagram accounts quickly.
4. Outsourcing: If you don't have the time or resources to bulk register Instagram accounts yourself, you can outsource this task to a virtual assistant or a company that specializes in social media account creation.
5. Using a Proxy Service: If you plan to create a large number of Instagram accounts, you may want to consider using a proxy service to rotate your IP addresses and avoid getting blocked by Instagram.
Important Note: Before using any of these methods, make sure you comply with Instagram's terms of service and avoid engaging in any activities that may be considered spamming or phishing.
Remember, when using any automation tool or method, it's essential to ensure that you're not violating Instagram's terms of service and that you're using these tools responsibly. 🤖
1. Instazero
2. Jarvee
3. FollowLiker
特点:自动化关注/取关、喜欢、评论和发布任务 trên Instagram。支持批量账号创建和计划。
记住,自动化工具可以非常强大,但它们需要负责地使用和监控,以避免潜在的问题。 🤖
I'd be happy to provide a brief overview of the automation tools I mentioned earlier. Here's a summary of their features, advantages, and disadvantages:
1. Instazero
Features: Bulk create Instagram accounts, automate follow/unfollow, like, comment, and posting tasks.
Advantages: Easy to use, fast account creation, and robust automation features.
Disadvantages: Can be expensive, especially for large-scale usage. Some users have reported accounts getting banned due to aggressive automation.
2. Jarvee
Features: Multi-platform automation tool for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and more. Supports bulk account creation, follow/unfollow, like, comment, and posting tasks.
Advantages: Supports multiple social media platforms, flexible automation options, and affordable pricing.
Disadvantages: Steeper learning curve due to its complexity, some users have reported issues with customer support.
3. FollowLiker
Features: Automate follow/unfollow, like, comment, and posting tasks on Instagram. Supports bulk account creation and scheduling.
Advantages: Easy to use, affordable pricing, and decent customer support.
Disadvantages: Limited features compared to other tools, some users have reported issues with account banning.
Common advantages of these tools:
Save time and effort by automating repetitive tasks
Increase productivity and efficiency
Supports bulk account creation and management
Often more affordable than manual labor or outsourcing
Common disadvantages of these tools:
Risk of account banning or suspension due to aggressive automation
Steeper learning curve for complex tools
May not be suitable for large-scale usage due to pricing or technical limitations
Dependence on the tool's customer support and updates
Important note:
When using any automation tool, it's essential to:
Use them responsibly and in accordance with Instagram's terms of service.
Monitor and adjust your automation settings to avoid account banning or suspension.
Keep your tools and scripts up-to-date to ensure compatibility and minimize risks.
Remember, automation tools can be powerful, but they require responsible usage and monitoring to avoid potential issues. 🤖
如何联系此Instagram自动化营销工具的开发者:如需批量注册海量Instagram账号的自动化工具、及DM群发代发服务,可加此开发者和服务商的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/glensher(Eng pls)
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