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因为一个手机号最多能够注册5个新Gmail账号,或者绑定到5个老帐号用于PVA验证,所以,在注册、登录、和验证谷歌账号的时候,经常会出现“此电话号码已用过太多次”的提示,导致注册或者验证失败。另外,谷歌对于中国区的手机号码最近非常不友好,经常一个手机号注册或者辅助验证一个Gmail后,就不能用于另外的验证了。这样的话,痛点就在于岂能有那么多的手机号去实现大量注册谷歌账号了。当然肯定是有解决方案的,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|接下来看看如何使用SMS接码平台去实现批量注册。详细的技术方案可以参考:我们提供批量注册 Gmail 的服务和工具,出售稳定的谷歌邮箱成品账号。批量注册特别是手机验证码打码是怎样实现的?



  1. 等待一段时间:如果您刚刚注册了Gmail账号,可能需要等待一段时间才能再次尝试登录。谷歌会对新注册的账号进行一定的限制,以防止恶意行为。

  2. 更换电话号码:如果您无法等待,可以尝试更换一个电话号码,然后重新注册Gmail账号。

  3. 联系谷歌客服:如果您确信自己没有进行任何恶意行为,可以联系谷歌客服,说明情况,他们可能会帮助您解除限制。

为避免出现这个提示,我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|建议:

  1. 使用安全的密码:使用复杂的密码,并确保不与其他账号共享。

  2. 启用双因素认证:启用双因素认证,可以提高账号的安全性。

  3. 注意隐私安全:注意隐私安全,不要在公共场合使用Gmail账号,也不要向不可信任的人分享您的账号信息。

"The use of technology in education has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, technology can enhance teaching and learning, improve student engagement, and increase access to educational resources. On the other hand, technology can also distract students, lead to over-reliance on technology, and create inequality in access to technology and digital literacy skills.

To address these issues, educators and policymakers can take several steps. Firstly, they can ensure that technology is used in a way that complements traditional teaching methods, rather than replacing them. Secondly, they can focus on developing digital literacy skills among students, so that they can effectively use technology to learn and communicate. Thirdly, they can work towards creating a more equitable access to technology and digital resources, so that all students have equal opportunities to benefit from technology in education.

In conclusion, the use of technology in education has the potential to enhance learning outcomes, but it is important to use it responsibly and thoughtfully, taking into account its potential drawbacks. By doing so, educators and policymakers can ensure that technology is used in a way that benefits both students and society as a whole."

使用我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|的解决方案,可以帮助你完成Gmail的PVA批量注册流程。这个流程包括以下步骤:

  1. 创建一个新的Gmail账户:你需要创建一个新的Gmail账户,以便完成PVA注册流程。

  2. 获取SMS平台账户:你需要获得一个SMS平台账户,以便发送验证码给用户。

  3. 配置SMS平台:你需要配置SMS平台,以便发送验证码给用户。我们提供通过接码平台通过PVA验证,实现批量注册谷歌账号或者Gmail账号的服务和工具。

  4. 发送验证码:你需要发送验证码给用户,以便他们可以完成PVA注册流程。

  5. 验证验证码:你需要验证用户输入的验证码,以便确认他们是否真的拥有该手机号码。

  6. 完成PVA注册流程:一旦用户输入了正确的验证码,你就可以完成PVA注册流程。

希望这些步骤能够帮助你完成Gmail的PVA注册流程。如果你有任何问题,请随时询问。以下是使用 Python 库 selenium 批量注册 Gmail PVAs(电话验证账户)的示例代码:


注意:该脚本仅供参考,可能需要根据您的具体用例进行修改。另外,使用自动脚本注册 Gmail 账户可能违反 Google 的服务条款,可能导致您的 IP 被阻止或账户被暂停:注册Gmail成功, 但再次登录提示登录Gmail,提示你的账号疑似使用机器注册,已被停用,是什么原因,如何解决?

To complete the registration process for Gmail's PVA (Postmaster Tools Verification API) using an SMS platform, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an SMS platform account: You will need to sign up for an SMS platform account that supports the use of APIs. Some popular SMS platforms include Twilio, Nexmo, and MessageBird.

  2. Create a new project: Once you have signed up for an SMS platform account, you will need to create a new project. This project will be used to store your API credentials and configure your SMS settings.

  3. Configure your SMS settings: In your project settings, you will need to configure your SMS settings. This includes setting up your sender ID, configuring your SMS templates, and specifying the recipient phone numbers.

  4. Generate an API token: You will need to generate an API token to authenticate your requests to the SMS platform. This token will be used to authorize your requests and ensure that they are coming from a trusted source.

  5. Send a verification code: Using the SMS platform's API, you will need to send a verification code to the recipient's phone number. This code will be used to verify their identity and prove that they have access to the phone number.

  6. Receive the verification code: The recipient will receive the verification code via SMS. They will need to enter this code into the Gmail PVA interface to complete the verification process.

  7. Verify the verification code: Once the recipient has entered the verification code, you will need to verify it using the SMS platform's API. This will ensure that the code is valid and has been entered correctly.

  8. Complete the registration process: Once the verification code has been verified, you can complete the registration process for Gmail's PVA. This may involve providing additional information or completing additional steps to activate the PVA.

By following these steps, you can use an SMS platform to complete the registration process for Gmail's PVA and verify the recipient's identity using a verification code sent via SMS.

Here is an example of a Python script that uses the selenium library to bulk register Gmail PVAs (Phone Verified Accounts):

import osimport timefrom selenium import webdriverfrom selenium.webdriver.common.by import Byfrom selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWaitfrom selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC# Set up the browser driveroptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions()options.add_argument("--headless")options.add_argument("--disable-gpu")driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)# Set up the Gmail registration pageregistration_url = "https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount?service=mail&continue=https://mail.google.com/mail/&hl=en"# Set up the list of phone numbers to use for verificationphone_numbers = ["+1234567890", "+9876543210", "+5551234567"]# Set up the list of account credentials to use for registrationcredentials = []# Loop through the phone numbers and register a new account for each onefor phone_number in phone_numbers:    # Open the registration page    driver.get(registration_url)    # Fill in the registration form    first_name = "John"    last_name = "Doe"    username = f"{first_name}{last_name}{phone_number[-4:]}"    password = "P@ssw0rd123"    recovery_email = "[email protected]"    driver.find_element_by_name("firstName").send_keys(first_name)    driver.find_element_by_name("lastName").send_keys(last_name)    driver.find_element_by_name("Username").send_keys(username)    driver.find_element_by_name("Passwd").send_keys(password)    driver.find_element_by_name("PasswdAgain").send_keys(password)    driver.find_element_by_name("RecoveryEmail").send_keys(recovery_email)    # Click the "Next" button    driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[@class='RveJvd snByac']").click()    # Wait for the phone verification page to load    WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "phoneNumberId")))    # Fill in the phone verification form    driver.find_element_by_name("phoneNumber").send_keys(phone_number)    # Click the "Send" button    driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[@class='RveJvd snByac']").click()    # Wait for the verification code to be sent    time.sleep(10)    # Enter the verification code    verification_code = input("Enter the verification code: ")    driver.find_element_by_name("code").send_keys(verification_code)    # Click the "Verify" button    driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[@class='RveJvd snByac']").click()    # Wait for the account to be created    WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "account-created")))    # Add the new account credentials to the list    credentials.append({"username": username, "password": password})# Print the list of registered accountsprint("Registered accounts:")for credential in credentials:    print(f"Username: {credential['username']}")    print(f"Password: {credential['password']}")    print("---")# Close the browser driverdriver.quit()

Note that this script is just an example and may not work as-is. You will need to modify it to fit your specific use case and ensure that it complies with Google's terms of service. Additionally, using automated scripts to register Gmail accounts may be against Google's terms of service and could result in your IP being blocked or your accounts being suspended.

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