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我们提供飞机Session账号,We provide Telegram Session format accounts! 实现飞机强拉群为什么离不开大量的Session小号?

实现 Telegram 群组的批量邀请和强制拉群,一定需要使用大量的 Session 账号(Session accounts)。这是因为 Telegram 对邀请用户加入群组的行为有非常严格的限制和反滥用机制,而使用多个 Session 账号可以帮助绕过这些限制。我们|飞机号: t.me/bulk006|提供飞机强制拉群的工具:(4)TG群成员批量采集和强拉群自动化工具。为了帮助出海营销人员更加深入的了解我们的飞机群克隆工具,首先一起来看看有哪些Telegram的风控需要规避,及我们的技术应对策略及解决方案:

1. Telegram 的限制策略

Telegram 对每个账号的邀请频率和数量有非常严格的限制,以防止滥用行为,比如垃圾邀请和群组机器人:

  • 邀请限制:一个 Telegram 账号在一定时间内只能邀请有限数量的用户加入群组。超过这个限制后,账号会被暂时或永久限制邀请功能,直至封号。

  • 每日限制:每个账号每天只能邀请一定数量的用户(通常为 15 人左右)。一旦达到每日限制,您将无法继续邀请用户,直到限制解除。

通过使用多个 Session 账号,您可以分散这些限制。例如,使用 10 个 Session,您可以每天邀请 10 倍的用户。(5)为什么在一个设备上登录多个telegram账号非常危险容易封号?怎样规避?有哪些工具可以实现飞机多账号登录?

2. 避免账号封禁

Telegram 会监控异常行为,例如:

  • 短时间内大量邀请:如果一个账户在短时间内邀请了大量用户,Telegram 可能会将其标记为异常行为。这样不仅会限制邀请功能,还有可能导致账号被封禁。

通过使用多个不同的 Session 账号进行邀请,可以减少单个账号的行为异常,从而降低封禁的风险。 (14)实现 Telegram Bulk DM Send “飞机群发”有什么样的技术路径?     

3. 分布式工作负载


例如,如果要邀请 500 人进入群组,而每个账号每天只能邀请 50 人,那么使用一个账号将需要 10 天时间才能完成。但是,如果使用 10 个账号,同时每个账号每天邀请 50 人,则可以在一天内完成任务。(3)Telegram批量注册账号工具

4. Telegram 的反机器人机制

Telegram 通过多种方式检测和阻止机器人和自动化操作,包括但不限于:

  • IP 地址监控:如果在同一 IP 地址下,多个 Telegram 账号执行相同的操作(如大量邀请),Telegram 可能会怀疑这是机器人行为,并对这些账号进行限制。

  • Session 数据监控:Telegram 会监控每个 Session 的行为模式。如果一个账号持续执行同样的操作(如批量邀请),它很可能会触发 Telegram 的反滥用机制。

通过使用多个 Session 账号,以及多个不同的 IP 地址(如代理或 VPN),可以减少被 Telegram 反机器人机制检测到的风险。(5)我们提供Telegram 群监听工具和自动回复机器人开发服务:工具、API 机器人开发 + 逆向工程实现

5. Session 账号的分布式操作

Session 账号是 Telegram 的身份验证机制,每个账号在登录后会生成一个 Session。通过使用多个 Session,您可以在多个设备或 IP 地址上同时登录多个 Telegram 账号,并进行批量操作。

  • 并行邀请操作:每个 Session 可以在不同的时间段或从不同的 IP 地址进行邀请操作。这样可以并行化多个任务,从而显著提升邀请量。

  • 避免单点失败:如果一个账号被封禁或受到限制,您仍然有其他 Session 账号可以继续操作,不会完全中断邀请过程。

6. 自动化操作和 API 限制

通过 Telegram 的 API 自动化邀请操作时,API 对每个账号的请求频率也有限制。如果使用单个账号进行批量操作,很容易触发这些限制,从而导致 API 请求失败。

使用多个 Session 账号可以分散 API 请求,避免触发 Telegram 的 API 限制,同时提高邀请效率。 (9)我们提供 Telegram 新账号批量登录并养号的服务和工具!

7. 不同群组的邀请

如果您需要同时管理多个群组的批量邀请,使用多个 Session 账号可以帮助您更好地分配和管理不同群组的邀请任务。每个 Session 可以分别管理不同的群组邀请任务,而不需要集中在一个账号上。


批量邀请 Telegram 群组成员需要大量的 Session 账号,主要是为了绕过 Telegram 的邀请限制、降低被封禁的风险、分散工作量、避免触发反滥用机制,并提高操作效率。通过使用多个 Session 账号,您可以同时管理多个邀请过程,并通过分布式操作提高邀请的数量和速度。

特别需要注意的是,任何试图绕过 Telegram 限制和风控的行为一定会违反平台的使用条款。建议谨慎操作,避免使用不靠谱的工具导致批量死号

Implementing bulk invites to a Telegram group indeed requires a large number of session accounts. This is because Telegram imposes strict limitations and anti-abuse mechanisms on inviting users to groups. Using multiple session accounts helps circumvent these limitations. Below are the key reasons why bulk invites cannot be done without a large number of session accounts:

1. Telegram's Limitation Policy

Telegram enforces strict limits on the frequency and number of invites a single account can make to prevent spam and abuse:

  • Invite limits: A single Telegram account can only invite a limited number of users to a group within a certain time frame. Once this limit is exceeded, the account may face temporary or permanent restrictions on its ability to invite users.

  • Daily limits: Each account can only invite a certain number of users per day (typically around 50). After reaching this limit, you won't be able to invite any more users until the limit resets.

By using multiple session accounts, you can distribute these limitations. For example, with 10 sessions, you can invite 10 times more users per day.

2. Avoiding Account Bans

Telegram monitors unusual behaviors such as:

  • Mass invites in a short period: If an account invites a large number of users in a short time, Telegram may flag this as suspicious behavior. This could not only restrict the ability to invite more users but also lead to account bans.

Using multiple session accounts to invite users in batches reduces the likelihood of triggering abnormal behavior on a single account, thus minimizing the risk of bans.

3. Distributed Workload

Since each account has a limit on the number of invites, using multiple accounts allows you to distribute the workload and increase efficiency. Each account can handle a small number of invites, and collectively, multiple accounts can invite a large number of users.

For example, if you need to invite 500 users to a group and each account can only invite 50 users per day, using a single account would take 10 days to complete. However, with 10 accounts, you can complete the task in a single day by inviting 50 users from each account.

4. Telegram's Anti-Bot Mechanism

Telegram has various methods to detect and block bots and automated activities, including but not limited to:

  • IP address monitoring: If multiple Telegram accounts perform the same actions (such as mass invites) from the same IP address, Telegram may flag this as bot-like behavior and take action against those accounts.

  • Session data monitoring: Telegram monitors the behavior patterns of each session. If an account continuously performs the same action (such as inviting users in bulk), it is likely to trigger Telegram’s anti-abuse mechanisms.

By using multiple session accounts and different IP addresses (such as through proxies or VPNs), you can reduce the chance of being detected by Telegram’s anti-bot system.

5. Distributed Session Account Operations

Session accounts are Telegram's authentication mechanism. When you log in to Telegram, a session is created for that account. By using multiple session accounts, you can log into multiple Telegram accounts on different devices or IP addresses and perform bulk actions simultaneously.

  • Parallel invite operations: Each session can perform invite operations at different times or from different IP addresses. This allows for parallelized tasks and significantly increases the number of invites you can send.

  • Avoiding single points of failure: If one account is banned or restricted, you still have other session accounts to continue the operation, preventing interruptions in the bulk invite process.

6. API Automation and Rate Limits

When automating invite operations through Telegram’s API, each account is subject to API request limits. If you are using a single account for bulk operations, it is easy to hit these limits, resulting in failed API requests.

Using multiple session accounts helps distribute API requests, preventing rate limits from being triggered and improving the overall efficiency of the invite process.

7. Inviting to Multiple Groups

If you need to manage bulk invites to multiple groups simultaneously, using multiple session accounts allows for better distribution and management of invite tasks across different groups. Each session can handle a specific group, rather than concentrating all tasks on a single account.


Bulk inviting users to a Telegram group requires a large number of session accounts primarily to bypass Telegram's invite limits, reduce the risk of account bans, distribute the workload, avoid triggering anti-abuse mechanisms, and improve efficiency. By using multiple session accounts, you can manage multiple invite processes simultaneously and scale the number of invites significantly.

However, it is essential to note that attempting to bypass Telegram’s limits may violate the platform’s terms of service. It is advised to proceed with caution to avoid account bans or other negative consequences.

如何联系此 Telegram 工具的开发者和服务商:如需采集竞争对手 Telegram 群成员、然后强拉到自己群的工具、批量群发 DM 私信、开发群监听 Bot 机器人、批量注册飞机号、批量群发DM私信,可加此开发者的飞机号了解更多,他们的Telegram账号是:t.me/timoej (Eng pls)

We are looking for agents to distribute our software & service worldwide, including CHINA!

标签: Telegram工具

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