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采集竞争对手的飞机群成员、并强拉到自己群,也是效率很高的触达海量潜在客户的方式: (1)从指定飞机群采集竞争对手群成员、并强拉到自建Telegram群和频道的服务;    


1. 社交媒体平台引流


  • 形式:通过短视频平台(如Youtube、TikTok手)或社交媒体(如WhatsApp、Telegram)发布看似普通的内容,但在内容中隐晦植入推广链接或二维码。

  • 特点:利用擦边内容引起用户好奇心,例如性感图片、擦边话题或“免费福利”等。

  • 手段:诱导用户点击后进入站外页面,可能是购物平台、色情擦边网站,甚至诈骗站。


  • 形式:在评论区、私信或直播间中使用特定符号、暗语吸引特定用户点击。

  • 特点:避免平台审核,例如用变形文字(如“福利→fú利”)或特殊符号代替敏感词汇。


  • 形式:通过WhatsApp、飞机群、DM私信等渠道吸引用户加入伪装的兴趣群或福利群。

  • 特点:一旦用户加入,这些群会提供“产品”或“服务”,实为非法或擦边内容。

2. 诱导式转化与利益刺激


  • 形式:通过宣传“超低价商品”或“免费领取”,吸引用户进入电商或购物平台。

  • 特点:实际商品可能以次充好,或存在隐藏费用,甚至不发货。

  • 案例:如9.9元商品包邮,用户下单后可能被引导购买高价商品。


  • 形式:宣传“购物返现”、“拉新返现”等高额奖励吸引用户。

  • 特点:用户完成任务后却发现无法提现,或要求支付更多费用才能解锁返现。


  • 形式:通过展示性感照片、视频等内容吸引用户点击。

  • 特点:页面可能进一步引导用户购买虚拟服务、色情内容,甚至植入木马病毒进行诈骗。

3. 平台漏洞利用与灰色操作


  • 形式:利用电商平台的拉新奖励规则,组织用户虚假注册、下单,以获取平台补贴。

  • 特点:通过虚假交易和刷单完成任务,但实际商品和交易并没有真实价值。


  • 形式:通过劫持搜索引擎流量或篡改网页链接,将用户引导到灰产网站。

  • 特点:用户可能在不知情的情况下访问了钓鱼网站或非法商店。


  • 形式:利用技术手段爬取社交平台、电商平台用户数据,进行批量推广或骚扰。

  • 特点:通过短信、电话、邮件等方式大规模骚扰用户,诱导其进入非法平台。

4. 短视频和直播平台的擦边内容营销


  • 形式:通过擦边行为(如穿着暴露、挑逗性言语)吸引大量用户进入直播间。

  • 特点:直播中通过弹窗、评论区引导用户跳转到第三方平台。


  • 形式:制作吸引眼球的短视频,视频末尾或评论区提供跳转链接。

  • 特点:吸引用户点击后进入非法或灰色交易页面。

5. 传统广告与新型流量结合


  • 形式:在主流平台(如Reddit、Google、Facebook)投放擦边或伪装广告(斗篷AB站)。

  • 特点:广告内容看似正规,但点击后进入灰色或非法交易平台。


  • 形式:利用用户心理,通过“想不到的结果”、“免费领取”等标题吸引点击。

  • 特点:内容往往存在虚假或夸大宣传,诱导用户进一步操作。

6. 虚假电商与擦边产品


  • 形式:通过电商平台销售假冒伪劣商品,以低价吸引消费者。

  • 特点:商品真假难辨,消费者权益难以保障。


  • 形式:销售打擦边球的产品,如情趣用品、暗示性商品等。

  • 特点:通过性暗示或猎奇点吸引用户购买。

7. 非法推广工具与技术



  • 形式:使用外挂软件批量操作社交账号,发布广告或私信用户。

  • 特点:隐蔽性强,操作效率高,但易被平台封禁。


  • 形式:通过组织“羊毛党”参与平台活动,完成拉新任务获取奖励。

  • 特点:短期内能快速获取大量用户,但用户质量低且存在欺诈风险。

8. 对产品营销的作用与风险


  • 快速获取流量:通过擦边内容和低价策略,短期内吸引大量关注。

  • 转化率提升:利用用户好奇心或利益驱动,提高点击率和交易转化率。

  • 品牌曝光:即使内容擦边,也能通过争议或猎奇吸引更多用户讨论。


  • 法律风险:灰产、黑产行为往往涉及违法,可能被追究刑事责任。

  • 损害品牌声誉:不正当手段容易导致消费者对品牌失去信任。

  • 平台封禁:主流平台对灰产行为打击力度加大,违规操作易被封禁。


1. 电子邮件营销:发送目标和个性化的电子邮件给客户和潜在客户,以驱动销售、增加参与度和建立品牌知名度。我们提供邮件群发服务!我们可以在14天内为你发送8亿封email!保证送达!

2. 短信营销:使用短信发送简短、及时和相关的消息给客户,如订单确认、交货更新和促销优惠。(23)我们提供基站发和实卡发的国际短信群发服务,We provide MMS service! 两者有何异同应该如何选择?       

3. Facebook Messenger:利用 Facebook Messenger 发送个性化的消息、优惠和更新给客户,并提供客户支持和回答询问。

4. Instagram Direct:使用 Instagram Direct 发送个性化的消息、优惠和更新给客户,并提供客户支持和回答询问。(1)采集海量Facebook Instagram用户&红人 + 群发DM推广服务!

5. Twitter Direct Messages:利用 Twitter Direct Messages 发送个性化的消息、优惠和更新给客户,并提供客户支持和回答询问。

6. 推送通知:发送推送通知给客户的移动设备,以驱动参与度、增加转换率和提供及时更新。

7. 应用内消息:使用应用内消息发送个性化的消息、优惠和更新给客户,而他们正在使用您的应用程序。

8. 网页推送通知:发送网页推送通知给客户的浏览器,以驱动参与度、增加转换率和提供及时更新。

9. 客户留评和刷单:购买客户在您的网站、社交媒体或第三方评论平台上留下评论和评分,以建立信任和可靠性。


11. 红人营销:与行业达人合作,以推广您的品牌、产品或服务给他们的追随者。(1)怎样通过3步或者使用5个工具高效挖掘到海量的YouTube油管红人资料及联系方式?  

12. 内容营销:创建高质量、相关和有价值的内容,以吸引和吸引目标受众,并建立信任和可靠性。

13. 支付广告:使用付费广告渠道,如 Google Ads、Facebook Ads 和 LinkedIn Ads,以到达目标受众、驱动流量和生成leads。

14. 联盟营销:与联盟合作,以推广您的产品或服务给他们的受众,以换取佣金。



Here are some more effective channels to consider:

1. Email Marketing: Send targeted and personalized emails to your customers and prospects to drive sales, increase engagement, and build brand awareness.

2. SMS Marketing: Use SMS to send short, timely, and relevant messages to your customers, such as order confirmations, delivery updates, and promotional offers.

3. Facebook Messenger: Leverage Facebook Messenger to send personalized messages, offers, and updates to your customers, and to provide customer support and answer queries.

4. Instagram Direct: Use Instagram Direct to send personalized messages, offers, and updates to your customers, and to provide customer support and answer queries.

5. Twitter Direct Messages: Leverage Twitter Direct Messages to send personalized messages, offers, and updates to your customers, and to provide customer support and answer queries.

6. Push Notifications: Send push notifications to your customers' mobile devices to drive engagement, increase conversions, and provide timely updates.

7. In-App Messaging: Use in-app messaging to send personalized messages, offers, and updates to your customers while they are using your app.

8. Web Push Notifications: Send web push notifications to your customers' browsers to drive engagement, increase conversions, and provide timely updates.

9. Customer Reviews and Ratings: Encourage your customers to leave reviews and ratings on your website, social media, or third-party review platforms to build trust and credibility.

10. Referral Marketing: Implement a referral program to incentivize your customers to refer their friends and family in exchange for rewards or discounts.

11. Influencer Marketing: Partner with influencers in your industry to promote your brand, products, or services to their followers.

12. Content Marketing: Create high-quality, relevant, and valuable content to attract and engage your target audience, and to build trust and credibility.

13. Paid Advertising: Use paid advertising channels, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads, to reach your target audience, drive traffic, and generate leads.

14. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with affiliates who can promote your products or services to their audience in exchange for commissions.

15. Loyalty Programs: Implement a loyalty program to reward your customers for their repeat purchases, referrals, or other desired behaviors.

These are just a few more effective channels to consider, and the key is to experiment and find the channels that work best for your business and target audience.


16. 播客营销:创建播客,以达到目标受众,建立品牌知名度和思想领导地位。

17. 视频营销:使用视频内容来吸引受众,展示产品,提供教程或证词。

18. 红人接管:与达人大V合作,让他们接管您的社交媒体账户一天,提供新鲜内容和新的视角。

19. 用户生成内容(UGC)活动:鼓励客户创建和分享内容,展示您的品牌、产品或服务。

20. 在线社区:创建在线社区、论坛或群组,以与客户互动、提供支持和收集反馈。

21. 网络研讨会:举办网络研讨会,以教育客户、提供培训和展示产品或服务。

22. 基于账户的营销:针对特定账户和决策者,以个性化内容和消息。

23. 销售自动化:使用销售自动化工具,以流程和优化销售过程,提高效率和转换率。

24. 客户拥护:鼓励满意的客户成为品牌拥护者,提供证词、评价和推荐。

25. 员工拥护:授权员工成为品牌大使,在社交媒体上分享公司新闻、内容和价值观。

26. 合作和协作:与其他业务或组织合作,以扩展您的范围,改善产品和驱动增长。

27. 推荐营销平台:使用平台如 Ambassador、Extole 或 ReferLogic,以管理和优化推荐营销计划。

28. 客户数据平台(CDP):使用 CDP,以统一客户数据,改善细分和驱动个性化营销和销售努力。

29. 预测分析:使用预测分析,以预测客户行为,确定机会和优化营销和销售策略。

30. 聊天机器人和会话营销:使用聊天机器人和会话营销,以提供 24/7 客户支持,回答问题和驱动转换。(16)我们提供WhatsApp炒群机器人工具和服务,We provide Whatsapp group marketing bot software & service! 


Here are some more channels and strategies that can be effective:

16. Podcasting: Create a podcast to reach a targeted audience, build brand awareness, and establish thought leadership.

17. Video Marketing: Use video content to engage with your audience, demonstrate products, and provide tutorials or testimonials.

18. Influencer Takeovers: Partner with influencers to take over your social media accounts for a day, providing fresh content and new perspectives.

19. User-Generated Content (UGC) Campaigns: Encourage customers to create and share content featuring your brand, products, or services.

20. Online Communities: Create online communities, forums, or groups to engage with customers, provide support, and gather feedback.

21. Webinars: Host webinars to educate customers, provide training, and showcase products or services.

22. Account-Based Marketing: Target specific accounts and decision-makers with personalized content and messaging.

23. Sales Automation: Use sales automation tools to streamline and optimize the sales process, improving efficiency and conversion rates.

24. Customer Advocacy: Encourage satisfied customers to become brand advocates, providing testimonials, reviews, and referrals.

25. Employee Advocacy: Empower employees to become brand ambassadors, sharing company news, content, and values on social media.

26. Partnerships and Collaborations: Partner with other businesses or organizations to expand your reach, improve offerings, and drive growth.

27. Referral Marketing Platforms: Use platforms like Ambassador, Extole, or ReferLogic to manage and optimize referral marketing programs.

28. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): Use CDPs to unify customer data, improve segmentation, and drive personalized marketing and sales efforts.

29. Predictive Analytics: Use predictive analytics to forecast customer behavior, identify opportunities, and optimize marketing and sales strategies.

30. Chatbots and Conversational Marketing: Use chatbots and conversational marketing to provide 24/7 customer support, answer questions, and drive conversions.

These are just a few more examples of the many channels and strategies available to marketers and businesses. The key is to experiment, measure, and optimize to find what works best for your specific goals and audience.


31. 游戏化:使用游戏设计元素来吸引和激励客户,鼓励期望行为和奖励成就。这是菠菜出海中最常见的推广方式之一:(2)巴西老虎机有啥新的发展趋势?Slot红人营销推广应该如何应对变化、并达成高效投放?  

32. 虚拟和增强现实:使用虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)来创造沉浸式体验,提高客户参与度和展示产品或服务。

33. 播客赞助:与流行播客合作,以达到目标受众,建立品牌知名度和驱动转换。

34. 在线调查和研究:进行在线调查和研究,以收集反馈,了解客户需求和指导产品开发。

35. 客户旅程映射:创建客户旅程的视觉表示,以确定痛点、机会和改进领域。

36. 个性化和细分:使用数据和分析来个性化内容、优惠和体验,对于个体客户或细分市场。

37. 社交媒体比赛和抽奖:在社交媒体上举办比赛和抽奖,以驱动参与度,增加粉丝和对产品或服务的关注。

38. 员工参与和拥护:授权员工成为品牌大使,在社交媒体上分享公司新闻、内容和价值观。

39. 客户成功管理:集中于客户成功和保留,提供主动支持、培训和资源,以驱动长期价值。

40. 与教育机构的合作:与教育机构合作,以创建内容、提供培训和开发人才 pipelines。

41. 在线店铺体验和事件:创建沉浸式店内体验和事件,以吸引客户,建立品牌忠诚度和驱动销售。

42. 移动优化内容和体验:对移动设备优化内容和体验,以达到移动中的客户,提高参与度。

43. 社交媒体监听和监控:监控社交媒体对话、情感和趋势,以跟踪客户需求、偏好和关注。

44. 客户拥护计划:开发正式的客户拥护计划,以激励和激励客户拥护者,驱动推荐、证词和案例研究。

45. 预测leads评分:使用预测分析对leads进行评分,基于行为、人口统计学和企业统计数据,优先考虑高质量leads。


Here are even more channels and strategies that can be effective:

31. Gamification: Use game design elements to engage and motivate customers, encouraging desired behaviors and rewarding achievements.

32. Virtual and Augmented Reality: Use VR and AR to create immersive experiences, enhance customer engagement, and showcase products or services.

33. Podcast Sponsorships: Partner with popular podcasts to reach target audiences, build brand awareness, and drive conversions.

34. Online Surveys and Research: Conduct online surveys and research to gather feedback, understand customer needs, and inform product development.

35. Customer Journey Mapping: Create visual representations of the customer journey to identify pain points, opportunities, and areas for improvement.

36. Personalization and Segmentation: Use data and analytics to personalize content, offers, and experiences for individual customers or segments.

37. Social Media Contests and Giveaways: Host contests and giveaways on social media to drive engagement, increase followers, and generate buzz around products or services.

38. Employee Engagement and Advocacy: Empower employees to become brand ambassadors, sharing company news, content, and values on social media.

39. Customer Success Management: Focus on customer success and retention, providing proactive support, training, and resources to drive long-term value.

40. Partnerships with Educational Institutions: Partner with educational institutions to create content, offer training, and develop talent pipelines.

41. In-Store Experiences and Events: Create immersive in-store experiences and events to engage customers, build brand loyalty, and drive sales.

42. Mobile-Optimized Content and Experiences: Optimize content and experiences for mobile devices to reach customers on-the-go and improve engagement.

43. Social Media Listening and Monitoring: Monitor social media conversations, sentiment, and trends to stay on top of customer needs, preferences, and concerns.

44. Customer Advocacy Programs: Develop formal programs to empower and incentivize customer advocates, driving referrals, testimonials, and case studies.

45. Predictive Lead Scoring: Use predictive analytics to score leads based on behavior, demographics, and firmographic data, prioritizing high-quality leads.

These are just a few more examples of the many channels and strategies available to marketers and businesses. The key is to experiment, measure, and optimize to find what works best for your specific goals and audience.


46. 基于账户的营销自动化:使用自动化来个性化和扩展基于账户的营销努力,提高效率和 ROI。

47. 销售 Enablement 平台:使用销售 Enablement 平台为销售团队提供内容、工具和见解,以关闭交易。

48. 客户数据 Enrichment:通过追加第三方数据、社交媒体资料和其他来源来丰富客户数据,以提高细分和个性化。我们提供WhatsApp群发工具!实现群发且不批量死号的群发工具必须具备8个基础功能,如何购买靠谱的群发工具避免被坑!

49. 预测建模:使用预测建模来预测客户行为,确定高价值客户,并优化营销和销售努力。

50. 实时个性化:使用实时数据和分析来实时个性化客户体验、优惠和通信。

51. 社交媒体的数字化客户服务:通过社交媒体渠道提供客户服务和支持,提高响应时间和客户满意度。(16)我们提供WhatsApp炒群机器人工具和服务,We provide Whatsapp group marketing bot software & service!

52. 影响者关系管理:管理影响者关系,跟踪性能和优化合作,以驱动 ROI。

53. 员工拥护平台:使用员工拥护平台来授权员工成为品牌大使,在社交媒体上分享公司新闻和内容。

54. 客户旅程分析:分析客户旅程数据,以确定痛点、机会和改进领域,优化客户体验。

55. 销售分析:使用销售分析来跟踪销售性能,确定趋势和优化销售策略,以驱动收入增长。

56. 内容体验平台:使用内容体验平台来创建、管理和优化跨渠道和设备的内容体验。

57. 客户反馈和见解:收集和分析客户反馈和见解,以指导产品开发,提高客户满意度和驱动创新。

58. 合作和协作:与其他业务、组织或个人合作,以扩展范围、改善产品和驱动增长。

59. 游戏化忠诚计划:创建游戏化忠诚计划,以激励客户忠诚、保留和拥护。

60. AIDriven 聊天机器人:使用 AIDriven 聊天机器人来提供 24/7 客户支持,回答问题和驱动转换。我们提供基于第三方平台开发Ws聊天机器人的服务,We provide WhatsApp Chatbot service!


Here are even more channels and strategies that can be effective:

46. Account-Based Marketing Automation: Use automation to personalize and scale account-based marketing efforts, improving efficiency and ROI.

47. Sales Enablement Platforms: Utilize sales enablement platforms to provide sales teams with the content, tools, and insights they need to close deals.

48. Customer Data Enrichment: Enrich customer data by appending third-party data, social media profiles, and other sources to improve segmentation and personalization.

49. Predictive Modeling: Use predictive modeling to forecast customer behavior, identify high-value customers, and optimize marketing and sales efforts.

50. Real-Time Personalization: Use real-time data and analytics to personalize customer experiences, offers, and communications in the moment.

51. Social Media Customer Service: Provide customer service and support through social media channels, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

52. Influencer Relationship Management: Manage influencer relationships, tracking performance, and optimizing collaborations to drive ROI.

53. Employee Advocacy Platforms: Utilize employee advocacy platforms to empower employees to become brand ambassadors, sharing company news and content on social media.

54. Customer Journey Analytics: Analyze customer journey data to identify pain points, opportunities, and areas for improvement, optimizing the customer experience.

55. Sales Analytics: Use sales analytics to track sales performance, identify trends, and optimize sales strategies to drive revenue growth.

56. Content Experience Platforms: Utilize content experience platforms to create, manage, and optimize content experiences across channels and devices.

57. Customer Feedback and Insights: Collect and analyze customer feedback and insights to inform product development, improve customer satisfaction, and drive innovation.

58. Partnerships and Collaborations: Form partnerships and collaborations with other businesses, organizations, or individuals to expand reach, improve offerings, and drive growth.

59. Gamified Loyalty Programs: Create gamified loyalty programs to incentivize customer loyalty, retention, and advocacy.

60. AI-Powered Chatbots: Utilize AI-powered chatbots to provide 24/7 customer support, answer questions, and drive conversions.

These are just a few more examples of the many channels and strategies available to marketers and businesses. The key is to experiment, measure, and optimize to find what works best for your specific goals and audience.

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“60个灰产、黑产、擦边电商最常用的推广拉新获客手段大揭秘!” 的相关文章




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